Blurry V carve text

New user and I am trying to V carve some clean letters using a Whiteside 1541 1/4 inch 60 degree Vee Groove Bit. I am using Carveco Maker and I followed Carveco’s tutorial “Designing a Plaque”. I was not getting clean letters on the full plaque, and I am now trying to get a single letter to cut cleanly before I move on with the project.

I was initially probing for X,Y,Z using the V bit. I read that that is incorrect and have changed to probing X,Y,Z with an end mill, then changing to the V bit and probing for Z.

The letter looks like it is carving correctly, then the machine goes back and makes an offset carve that makes the letter almost seem blurry.

Any help is appreciated.

The two letters on the left were in a different font. I switched to the simpler font on the second two cuts. On the bottom right cut, the material shifted, which I think caused the gouge on the lower right.


It looks to me like your Z height is set too deep.

My guess is that the bit diameter and angle in your program are not the same as the bit diameter and angle that you are actually cutting with.

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That was gonna be my second guess, like using a 90° bit with a 60° toolpath, although I don’t know if something like that would have this effect

Did the work piece move? If not you should have rechecked your zero. It might have shifted. It’s possible that you cut too deep or too fast and lost steps. Is it an Elite machine?

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The machine is a Woodworker X-50.

The bit is as stated above, a Whiteside 1541 1/4 inch 60 degree Vee Groove Bit. Carveco does not have Whiteside tool data in the program, so I selected Amana 45624 which has matching dimensions to the Whiteside bit.

The work piece is not moving. I had that one time where it shifted, but I re-secured it and it has not shifted again.

I am using the Onefinity 3-axis touch probe. I use a straight bit to probe for XYZ, then change to the V bit and probe for Z with this bit. Is there some other setting that would affect the Z height?

I hope my problem has been solved. It seems that one of my Y rails was sticking.

I am about to try and cut the letters again using the V carve bit and I will see if it works correctly now.

This is the result after the rail troubleshooting.

Hope this can help someone else who may have this problem.