Clamping & dust collection on wallmounted infinity CNC

Welcome to the forum @AbnormalProjects :wave:t3:

I agree with @Aiph5u - a vacuum table is a great solution for a wall mounted set-up. If you have a 3D printer and a small vacuum pump, you can make little pods that hold your material pretty rigidly. That is an inexpensive solution and good for getting a taste for how nice vacuum workholding really is.

That said, I have been working on a project to bring vacuum tables to this community of Onefinity users (since I am one myself). We just launched and I think our complete kit would work well for your application, especially for maximizing yield when cutting sheets of plywood. We will soon be offering a free 3D printable vacuum chuck, like the ones mentioned above, on our website to support people who are looking to experiment with this workholding approach.

I also saw a cool video on instagram of a hydraulic cylinder that pushes laterally to clamp stock on a wall mounted X50. That is another neat approach that may also work for your set-up. However, lateral clamps like that can distort stock and subsequent cut parts if sufficient structure isn’t left after the cuts (like tabs and/or a boarder).

I really respect the ethos of this community (among many things I respect about it) and would not be mentioning this here unless I genuinely felt I had a solution to offer. If this is too forward and promotional in nature, please feel free to flag this post and/or remove it.

Here’s another thread to check out if you’re interested: Vacuum Hold Down

Hope this helps!