Cold Weather, first winter

What have others been doing to deal with the colder weather? Im in Michigan, my garage is detached… not heated. I use a kerosene heater in the winter when I am out there. I haven’t had any rust issues , so I think because the garage is detached, I dont get the warm/wet house air rushing in there, so maybe im ok?

The CNC has an enclosure, so I thought about putting an incandescent light bulb or a lizard heat rock in there, under the CNC where the controller is and letting the heat warm that area and also permeate upwards to keep the rails and whatnot a little warm.

Any experience? Or input would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you

Hi Steve,
I am also in Michigan (lake orion). Where about are you?
Last year, 1F posted something about operating in temps 45 degrees and above. I use a Mr. Buddy propane heater that works well.
Just make sure you have some airflow and fresh air moving in the shop so you dont have any carbon monoxide issues.

A few things I do to be safe and maybe overboard are: take the touch screen and endmills inside with me along with paint.

If you have an enclosure, you might be able to insulate the enclosure itself and use a small space heater to pump some warm air into the enclosure itself.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response! I’m near Fraser. My main concern is what to do while just letting it sit there, in the cold, while at work, over night and what not.

Im familiar with the Mr Buddy, that would be ran while In the shop, working. Those are great. I have a large kerosene heater I run while in there. But now that’s adding moisture to the air, which is bad obviously. . But what to do overnight and on days not using the 1F.

My enclosure has sound proofing rubber, so I imagine that would keep the small amount of heat in generated by a light bulb or something

The safest thing would be to take the control box and screen inside. I just don’t want to have to constantly unplug from the back. I know that added stress on the connections leads to premature wear

What to do?!?

I think as long as you power down the unit and even go a step further and unplug it you will be fine.

As soon as you turn the heater off the humidity in the air will drop provided its winter (dry air) the other option is pick up a de-humidifier and let that run.

But take the screen in and that will keep it safe. The controller, as long as you power it off you should be fine leaving it.

One thing to consider is static in dry air, consider getting some of the ferrite clips for your cables (it helps with static burning up equipment)

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@SteveS, Hi Steve, i live in the Uk, an although not that cold its very damp an humid throughout the winter, as others have suggested i always take my controller indoors every night, however i leave the control module attached to the underneath of the enclosure.
Like yourself my primary concern is the cold sub zero temperatures and the damp getting to the electronics an the making the onefinitys rails damp and rusting, hence i have purchased 2 Dimplex ECOT1FT Tubular Heater - 1 Foot Tube with Built in Thermostat from amazon, they are only 40w hence extremely cheap to leave on all night (an day if required) but also get too hot to touch. I leave one in the enclosure an one underneath so the heat can rise an protect the controller etc, work perfectly so far

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That’s perfect! Buddy of mine suggested a thermostat controlled reptile light. Same basic concept. Thank you so much !!

My CNC is in an 8x10 shed in Virginia and I can’t keep a heater or anything running while I’m not in there. Bringing in the controller and screen isn’t a problem, but I’m most worried about the machine itself. The shed is not insulated or well sealed, but is protected from wind/rain.

What can I do to protect the machine?
Can I cover it and wrap everything with foam, blankets, etc. or will that make it worse?

I probably won’t be using it again until March, but it took me a month so get it lined up with tracks, wasteboards, square, etc. so I don’t want to unmount it if I don’t have to.

Everything that I’ve read says that the main concern is the controller/ screen. I too worry about the rails, motors and all that though.

As part of the typical maintenance, 1F suggests using 3:1 oil and applying that to the rails and screws. I believe the oil will act as a rust inhibitor and add some protection.

With your shed not being attached to a house, as some garages are - you don’t have to worry about warm moist air going flooding into the space, leaving moisture on the machine because the machine is cold due to the ambient air. My work shop is not attached and I’ve never had an issue with rust forming on equipment.

I bought a ceramic reptile heat light with an electronic thermostat that I keep plugged in 24/7. I have it set to 50 degrees and it keeps a small cubby warm ( contains the controller)

This is my setup.

One thing to think about for next winter - is to make an enclosure for your machine. It will help insulate it ( if you add a heat source such as the reptile light) and will reduce noise as an added benefit.

This is my first winter, so I’m still experimenting. I’m in the workshop daily so I want to be able to continue to use the machine year round

Hope this helps, Take this with a grain of salt, I’m brand new to CNC and the 1F

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This is the correct link. Sorry

Thanks Steve! This is great information and the video is very helpful also.