I have a Longmill MK1 cnc, which I am replacing with a Pro model. I use Gsender to send to mill. My post in Fusion is generic Grbl to out put my G-code. Will I be able to run my present programs on the Pro or will I have to re-post my g-code again using a buildbotics processsor? Im looking forward to get it going delivery soon!
As I just found out, Gsender doesn’t work with onefinity, cause onefinity uses its own processor system. So no preview exists. you can save the file on your laptop, then save it to the USB port on your black box through the USB, using their code.
the Onefinity CNC Controllers are USB hosts, not USB clients. You cannot connect a PC to their USB ports. But you can connect a USB thumb drive that has a g-code program on it in order to upload it to the Onefinity Controllers.
You can however upload g-code files from remote hosts via network (WiFi or ethernet).