Hey Randall,
Gsender is a CNC machine control software. Such a software is already present on the Onefinity Elite/Masso and the the Onefinity PRO/buildbotics-derived CNC Controllers.
Both the Masso G3 Controller on Elite Series and the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller on PRO Series are so-called stand-alone CNC controllers, which means, they are computers and all you have to do is upload a g-code toolpath. You need no PC or any external software to run a Onefinity CNC machine.
A computer is only needed to run your favourite CAD/CAM software in order to create the g-code toolpath, which you can then export to a USB thumb drive and upload it this way to the Onefinity controllers, or upload it to the Onefinity controller via the remote network user interface from the remote computer by clicking on the “upload file” button.
The USB interfaces on the Onefinity controllers are USB hosts, and not USB clients, which means you can connect a storage device like a USB thumb drive, but you cannot connect a PC to these USB ports. You may also connect a USB keyboard, a USB mouse or a USB gamepad, or any USB slave device.
The buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller can be controlled by any remote computer that has network access to the CNC controller (ethernet cable or WiFi) by using a web browser on the remote computer, and offers a 3D toolpath simulation. It is based on the camotics.org software which has the same author than the buildbotics.com CNC controller. Any g-code program that you have on your remote computer can be simply uploaded by clicking the “upload” button on the user interface in your web browser.
Image: A typical surfacing your wasteboard g-code toolpath program, uploaded to the Onefinity Controller. Animated during milling.
The blue box is the workspace of the machine (here: Woodworker 816 × 816 × 133 mm workspace). The white box is where your g-code program will move. The red lines are rapid moves (G0) and the green lines are linear moves (G1) with set feed rate (F) or arcs (G2, G3).
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