Major 1.2.1 upgrade problems

Own the x50 journeyman. Flashed 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 and installed.
My machine was running fine on 1.1.1

Now with the latest update I can’t even use the machine due to major issues right out the gate.

  1. Files loaded to the onefinity from vetric for cuts aren’t the right measurements. As soon as they load you can clearly see in the 3d dialog box and position coordinates, something is definitely not right. This is not a software (vectric etc) issue.

  2. Probing xyx cannot be done. When I attach the probe and the machine asks you to touch bit to the block and then hit next,… but I can’t hit next because it’s grayed out. I get the green check mark but I just can’t hit next to proceed to the next step. I can however probe just the z.

These are two major problems and I can’t seem to roll back to version 1.1.1
I probably have no more than a few hours cutting time on this machine. It’s basically a new machine.
I need some help please!
How can I roll back to 1.1.1? Or…
How can my problems with 1.2.1 be fixed?


From 1.1.1 the advice is to Flash; see FAQ guides from 1F. Onefinity CNC Firmware 1.2.1 (2/8/23) (X-35/X-50 machines w/ Buildbotics Controller) (Most Recent)?

Dimension Issues: you may need to reconfigure the controller to your specific CNC (travel per rev, soft limits etc)