Configuring a custom VFD and spindle

Hey Sid,

you can use the ModBus address you like, but you got to make sure that it’s the same address that you set on the VFD and on the Onefinity CNC controller.

Further Reading

Further Reading

  • The H100/V70 VFD already had an appearance in this forum here and here.

    (easy to find by searching for

If you get an error on the VFD, you got to look up what the error means in the VFD manual.

If you get a timeout error on the Tool Configuration Tab of the Onefinity, that means for the Onefinity, there is nothing detected at the pins 13 and 14 on the DB-25 I/O port. Make sure you have the same ModBus settings on the VFD and on the Onefinity Controller. If you have a termination resistor DIP switch on your VFD, you got to switch it on. Note that if you have only timeouts, this may also be this issue.

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