Controller Fan Still Running when unit is UNPLUGGED!?

For the first time, today, when I turned off my X50 controller, I noticed it was still making noise. I checked and noticed the fan was still running. It’s never done that before.
Then, I unplugged the unit and the fan is still running! Plus the remote adapter for the game controller’s light is still on, but where is it getting power from!?

Did something just get fried, or do I need to do some sort of reset or something?? Very confusing.

===[ Greg ]===

Update: When I went back out an hour later, the fan was off. Must be a capacitor or something providing power if the unit is too hot (maybe?).

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Hey Greg,

it is known that the unit can be backfed from the USB touch monitor through the USB ports. The current the monitor provides is not enough to correctly boot it though.

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Really!!?? So the unit is getting power from the plugged in monitor… enough to power the fan at least. As Spock would say… Fascinating!
Thanks for the info.

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Yes, this type of behavior is not terribly uncommon. Usually the fan will draw enough current that it should only run for a several seconds, most likely from the power supply.

Reminds me of the time I was removing a single LED light bulb from a dual-bulb bathroom light fixture. My wife was sitting there watching this. The fixture was powered on at the time, so both bulbs were lit. When I unscrewed the one bulb, there I was on the step ladder, holding a still lit LED bulb in my hand after I removed it from the base. Stayed lit for several seconds. That was quite a laughable moment! :laughing:

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covered here: How to connect the Touch Display (7, 8, 10.8")

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One of these should help:

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Shocking! You clearly have an electric personality! [sorry… bad dad joke] :stuck_out_tongue:

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