Not sure if this is the right place for this - is there a designated forum spot for bugs? Should they be posted to BuildBotics instead?
Had a toolpath the other day with Z zeroed at the bottom, and the whole toolpath cutting cm or 2 above. (The way the bit was mounted cutting to 0 would have gone under the Z soft limit.) The first move in the file didn’t specify a Z explicitly, and apparently in this case the sim S/W assumes it’s at 0, and so flags it as under & won’t cut. Had to hand-edit the 1st G0 to add a high Z in order to cut the path.
In more detail:
To reproduce:
- short bit with home Z set so low that driving bit there would exceed Z minimum soft limit (I zeroed to the wasteboard w/ a short flattening bit chucked way in, machine would hit soft Z limit probably a few mm above Z=0
- toolpath that stays above Z0 (mine has a Zmin of ~14, so is OK to cut in the above setup)
- Controller rejects path as UNDER in Z, apparently assuming Z starts at 0 (error msg implies it thinks the toolpath is trying to get to Z=0)
Toolpath shown below, 1st move doesn’t specify any Z, which I think is legit. If I add, e.g. “Z41” to the 1st G0 on N35 it seems to prevent the controller from assuming a 0, and accepts the toolpath
Fusion 360 with 1F post-proc produces:
(T1 D=25.4 CR=0 - ZMIN=14.633 - FLAT END MILL)
N10 G90 G94 G17 G91.1
N15 G21
N20 S3820 M3
N25 G54
N30 M8
N35 G0 X161.51 Y8.379
N40 G43 Z41.133 H1
N45 G0 Z31.133