Crazy offset when posting tool change paths

When I post a file with any tool changes, in the preview pane I see the first tool path posts correctly and the XYZ is shown in the preview. The following tool paths are below the XYZ by about 15" and I get an over limit when I load the file. Pictures attached. The Code does not show the Z trying to go that low, it looks normal. I use Fusion and the simulation matches the NC. If I post the NC based on each tool, even if there are multiple operations with the same tool, everything works as normal. I posted this in th BB Forum and Doug replied this:

“This is a problem that existed in the Buildbotics Controller some time ago. It was fixed quite some time ago.
Onefinity copied our software and hardware back in 2021 and went their own way. Apparently, they never fixed this problem.”

Here is my tool change code in the BB settings:
(Runs on M6, tool change)
G0 X-60 Y60
M0 M6 (MSG, Change tool and attach probe)
(probe to minimum z soft limit, which is -10)
G38.2 Z-315
G92 Z14.9733
g0 Z15
M0 (MSG, Remove probe, start spindle)
G4 P7
G53 G0 Z0

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I can apparently only upload one image at a time as I am a new user. This is the first time in 3 years that I have had a problem that I could not resolve myself or from the groups.


Last one.

Hey Rob,

if you want to use a g-code toolpath file with multiple tools with the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller, please be aware that the ‘tool-change’ routine that is delivered with the Onefinity in the SETTINGS page does not work. You can take the ‘tool-change’ routine that I provide here instead.

Further reading

The tool change code that I made worked with 1.3.0 just not with 1.3.1. I originally used your gcode then modified it so it didn’t go back to the work. Then I also ran into the problem of surfacing with a bit that stuck out 1.5 inches to a bit that stuck out almost 4” and it would have hit the work. I reloaded a file that I had used before (on 1.3.0) that worked perfect then and now it does this. Creates an offset after the first tool of 15”. I don’t think it’s the tool change code. It’s a 1.3.1 issue the BB says they fixed a while back.

Hey Rob,

in your G-code toolpath, you set G90 (absolute distance mode) and lift Z to its machine zero (G53 G0 Z0). Units are set to inches. Then subsequently you have a command G0 Z3.2. This is not possible. If you are already on the topmost Z position which is Z=0, you cannot move further upwards. The Z travel on Z-16 axis goes from 0 to −5.25 in (0 to −133 mm). In machine coordinates, Z axis has only negative values, because Z zero is at topmost position and in the right-hand cartesian coordinate system which RS274/NGC machines use, Z values increase towards top and decrease towards bottom, so can only be negative if topmost is zero.

If you think it is a buildbotics closed issue, it would be good to know which one.

By the way, you can also upload g-code files (.ngc) in a posting. You get the next level of membership if you read a number of posts. Then you can post more things.

Ouch! Sorry that I see this only now. Z-315 mm is way too far downwards. The machine’s Z travel is only 0 mm – −133 mm!


Thanks for the information. And yes I see that now. It is supposed to be Z-15, lol. Not sure how that 3 got in there. Thank you for your help.

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