Hello, I am about to order an elite forman machine as my first CNC router for my shop. Although I’ve had a metal shop for 20 years, I am very new to Routers and fairly new to CNC. I was going to build a table for it and have seen a few different designs out there that I thought were clever, but I was curious as to what all I might need storage for with these setups? I’ve put together that I will need space for the VFD, controller, water cooler(if there is one), and I’m guessing some drawers or organizer for router bits, tools, work holding, etc. but are there other components I should account for that those with more experience might suggest? I will probably use a shopvac for dust control at first, but will probably graduate to a more integrated system once I get more comfortable with everything. If there is a page already dedicated to this subject, I would appreciate a link.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.