Onefinity Pro Series Easy Adapter allows Original and Pro Series users with the BB (Buildbotics) black box controllers the ability to easily connect Onefinity accessories. With the Easy Adapter you will have the ability to add our EaZy– Z Tools Setter, Homing Switches, Spindle, Laser and more.
Featuring a sleek and stylish patent pending design, compact all metal enclosure and high quality custom made Plug and Play cables. Take your Onefinity Pro to the next level with the Pro Series Easy Adapter.
The Pro Series Easy Adapter is extremely easy to install. Simply plug the supplied Cable directly into the DB25 connector that’s located on the back of the Pro Series Controller (Buildbotics). Once connected, you’ll have the ability to quickly and easily connect our EaZy-Z Tool setter, Spindle and some any future accessories.
The Pro Series Easy Adapter is designed for advanced users who own Pro Series machines with the BB Buildbotics controller and want to maximize their CNC capabilities. While this adapter is not necessary for the operation of a Pro Series machine, it offers additional features for those looking to enhance their experience and are not ready to make the jump to an Elite Series. We recommend that new CNC users familiarize themselves with the adapter’s capabilities and determine if it suits their specific needs before purchasing.
If you add the Onefinity Spindle Kit by Redline CNC (our official spindle and the only one we can provide technical support for and warranty) it will come with all the connectors you need.
If you add some kind of aftermarket spindle, you will either need this or the breakout adapter we’ve sold for over 4 years.
There is not any recommended homing sensors. This is for advanced tinkerers who wanted this functionality while doing their own technical support for whatever items they may add.
Think of it as a ‘hacker board’. While it opens up advanced options to seasoned cncers and programmers, everything is a ‘do at your own risk’ type of connection.
So if I am just planning on getting the RL spindle, rotary, and 64w laser, and not worried right now about homing sensors, is there a need for this or is it just a nice to have?
I could be completely wrong but BB doesn’t support rotary right? There are so many variables now, I might just spring for the masso upgrade at some point
Your laser connects to dedicated sockets on your black box controller as is, unless jtech has made major changes (and they certainly wouldnt do that and release this as a requirement after the fact).
You could always hook up a rotary as you have enough controllers on the black box, but two were slaved to Y (and the rotary doesn’t need either). 1F is providing a breakout box for use of the rotary that will make things simpler for permanent usage and without physically connecting and disconnecting things.
This is going to be most useful for us old black box users for the bitsetter and mechanical limit switches. The bitsetter portends, i hope, automatic tool changes…