Do you have to home every time you turn on

Hey Tom,

I did not have a look at the value but I would say that when configuring the finding home routine, one has to program a speed that takes into account the method of limits sensing – if your machine has no limit sensors at all (as the TOS Onefinity machines) but homes with stall homing, which means intentionally bumping the carriages to the extrusion blocks (actually even bumping the Z assembly against the left Y carriage), it would not be ideal to be really fast :(.

Generally on homing, the machine has to assume that the limit could be encountered anywhere, so it shouldn’t be programmed with a that fast speed, as it cannot use a slowing down curve prior to reaching the limit. However, once the machine was homed at startup (how slow ever was necessary), you can still move home later with G28 or G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0. G0 is “rapid move” and it halts gently at the (previously found) home positions.