After updating my PP to the Masso version, I’m no longer able to use the Dry Run feature. Machine is an Elite Journeyman.
Attached are my current settings and a sample .nc file from Fusion (and just added F2 screenshot).
If I:
- Boot machine and home
- Probe/Set XYZ
- home again for good measure
- Load
- Activate ‘Dry Run’, Cycle Start
I get a ‘Soft alarm on Z axis motion line 38’ which is N150 in the file:
N150 G19 G3 Y30.95 Z-0.125 J0. K0.025
-0.125 is within my Z limits. I know this .nc file is referencing the G54 offset…but why is Dry Run doing anything other than moving Z to the upper limit?
Since the file will run and cut normally it seems like a configuration problem with the Masso controller; but a problem where?
MASSO Settings v5.07 (G3-18275).txt (13.9 KB) (1.7 KB)
Print Screen-002.bmp (3.0 MB)