Z Axis Soft Alarm

Can anyone help me figure out why my machine is giving me a Z Axis Soft alarm at 99% of my carve every carve?

I have disabled my soft alarm limits and it allows me to finish the carve but at 100% complete and the machine returns to home i get a Hard Limit alarm and have to reset everything.

The only thing i can think might have caused this but i do not know if it is part of the problem. I moved my Z driver assembly down one screw hole so that my dust collector brush would be able to touch the surface of my material.

If anyone has any solution or if i am just messing something up please help.

Please share a copy of your printable settings file.

So I have the TXT Files but I can do anything with them. They won’t open and I can’t send them to you. Do you have another way for me to get them to you?

Hey Knot,

[OT] you can upload any file of 7z, ai, bz2, c2d, con, cps, crv, crv3d, dfx, dwg, dxf, eps, f3d, gcode, gif, heic, heif, img, jpeg, jpg, json, lbdev, nc, ngc, mp4 (video), pdf, png, pp, skp, step, stl, stp, svg, txt, or zip file type here. To achieve this, you can use the “Upload” icon in the message compositor window. It is the seventh icon in the row above the text field.

test.txt (5 Bytes)

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Sorry It is saying new users cant upload. But here is the printable text.

MASSO G3 Touch
Serial No: G3-17078
Hardware: v3.07
Core: v2.04
Software: 5-Axis, v5.07

Settings file format: v2.30

==========General Settings==========

  • Machine units: Inch
  • Machine bed orientation: Standard
  • Load ‘autoload.nc’ on power up:
  • Disable Soft Limits:
  • Disable Hard Limits:
  • Enable cycle start on door close:
  • Limit maximum feedrate:

==========Homing Settings==========

  • Seq 1: X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 1 A: 0 B: 0

  • Seq 2: X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 0 A: 0 B: 1

  • Seq 3: X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0 A: 0 B: 0

  • Seq 4: X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0 A: 0 B: 0

  • Seq 5: X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0 A: 0 B: 0

  • X-Axis Direction Invert: Ticked

  • Y-Axis Direction Invert: Ticked

  • Z-Axis Direction Invert:

  • A-Axis Direction Invert:

  • B-Axis Direction Invert: Ticked

  • Homing Feedrate: 125

  • X-Axis Sensor Pull-Off: 0.040000

  • Y-Axis Sensor Pull-Off: 0.040000

  • Z-Axis Sensor Pull-Off: 0.040000

  • A-Axis Sensor Pull-Off: 0.040000

  • B-Axis Sensor Pull-Off: 0.040000

  • X-Axis Position After Homing: 0.000000

  • Y-Axis Position After Homing: 0.000000

  • Z-Axis Position After Homing: 0.000000

  • A-Axis Position After Homing: 0.000000

  • B-Axis Position After Homing: 0.000000

  • Request Home on startup: Ticked

  • Request Home after E-Stop press: Ticked

==========Spindle Settings==========

  • Encoder (Pulses per revolution): 0

  • Spindle Control Method: VFD (0~10v)

  • Spindle RPM at 10 volts: 24000

  • Spin UP delay (milliseconds): 6000

  • Spin DOWN delay (milliseconds): 6000

==========Lubrication Settings==========

  • Lubricate after: 0(hr) & 10(min)
  • Lubricate for: 0(min) & 3(sec)

==========Tool Changer==========

  • Tool changer in use: 1: Manual Tool Change

  • Z-Axis tool change position: 0.000000

  • X-Axis tool change position: 24.000013

  • Y-Axis tool change position: 0.000000

  • Tool setter air blast time (ms): 0


  • Motor: Distance per revolution: 0.629920
  • Drive: Pulses per revolution: 2000.000000
  • Maximum Feedrate: 400.001068
  • Acceleration: 19.685211
  • Travel Minimum: 0.000000
  • Travel Maximum: 48.031436
  • Backlash: 0.000000
  • Direction Invert: Ticked


  • Motor: Distance per revolution: 0.629920
  • Drive: Pulses per revolution: 2000.000000
  • Maximum Feedrate: 400.000854
  • Acceleration: 19.685350
  • Travel Minimum: 0.000000
  • Travel Maximum: 48.374744
  • Backlash: 0.000000
  • Direction Invert: Ticked


  • Motor: Distance per revolution: 0.393701
  • Drive: Pulses per revolution: 2000.000000
  • Maximum Feedrate: 300.000183
  • Acceleration: 19.685110
  • Travel Minimum: -6.299216
  • Travel Maximum: 0.000000
  • Backlash: 0.000000
  • Direction Invert: Ticked


  • Motor: Distance per revolution: 360.000000
  • Drive: Pulses per revolution: 14000.000000
  • Maximum Feedrate: 4320.000000
  • Acceleration: 2000.000000
  • Travel Minimum: -720.000000
  • Travel Maximum: 720.000000
  • Backlash: 0.000000
  • Direction Invert:
  • Angular Axis: Ticked


  • Slaved to Y axis
  • Direction Invert: Ticked

==========Auto Tool Zero Settings==========

  • Auto tool zero: Disabled

==========Multi Head Settings==========

  • Dry Run: Enabled

  • X Offset: 0.000000

  • Y Offset: 0.000000

  • Multi Spindle-1 (T101): Disabled

  • Multi Spindle-2 (T102): Disabled

  • Multi Spindle-3 (T103): Disabled

  • Multi Spindle-4 (T104): Disabled

  • Laser Engraving/Cutting (T111): Enabled

  • X Offset: 0.000000

  • Y Offset: 0.000000

  • Z Offset: 0.000000

  • PWM Freq(Hz): 4000

  • Plasma Torch (T112): Disabled

  • Oxy Torch (T113): Disabled

  • WaterJet (T114): Disabled

  • Scribe Tool (T115): Disabled

  • Pen 1 (T116): Disabled

  • Pen 2 (T117): Disabled

  • Camera (T118): Disabled

EStop: EStop, Invert: No
Encoder: Signal - A, Invert: No
Encoder: Signal - B, Invert: No
Encoder: Index, Invert: No
MPG: Dial Signal - A, Invert: No
MPG: Dial Signal - B, Invert: No
MPG: Select X, Invert: No
MPG: Select Y, Invert: No
MPG: Select Z, Invert: No
MPG: Select A, Invert: No
MPG: Select B, Invert: No
MPG: Resolution 1, Invert: No
MPG: Resolution 2, Invert: No
MPG: Resolution 3, Invert: No
Analog: Input 1, Invert:
Analog: Input 2, Invert:
Input 1: Cycle Start, Invert: No
Input 2: Cycle Stop, Invert: No
Input 11: Tool Setter, Invert: Yes
Input 12: Probe, Invert: Yes
Input 13: X - Home Sensor, Invert: Yes
Input 14: Y - Home Sensor, Invert: Yes
Input 15: B - Home Sensor, Invert: Yes
Input 16: Z - Home Sensor, Invert: Yes
Input 19: X-Axis Motor Alarm, Invert: No
Input 20: Y-Axis Motor Alarm, Invert: No
Input 21: Z-Axis Motor Alarm, Invert: No
Input 22: B-Axis Motor Alarm, Invert: No

Spindle: CW, Invert: No
Spindle: CCW, Invert: No
Output 11: Laser-Engraving (PWM), Invert: Yes
Output 18: Coolant Flood, Invert: No

==========TOOLS DATA==========
Tool-1, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-2, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-3, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-4, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-5, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-6, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-7, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-8, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-9, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-10, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-11, Slot: , 90 deg. V, Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.375000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-12, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-13, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-14, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-15, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-16, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-17, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-18, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-19, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-20, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-21, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-22, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-23, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-24, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-25, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-26, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-27, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-28, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-29, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-30, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-31, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-32, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-33, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-34, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-35, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-36, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-37, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-38, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-39, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-40, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-41, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-42, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-43, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-44, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-45, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-46, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-47, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-48, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-49, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-50, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-51, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-52, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-53, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-54, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-55, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-56, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-57, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-58, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-59, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-60, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-61, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-62, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-63, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-64, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-65, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-66, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-67, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-68, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-69, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-70, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-71, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-72, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-73, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-74, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-75, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-76, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-77, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-78, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-79, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-80, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-81, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-82, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-83, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-84, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-85, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-86, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-87, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-88, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-89, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-90, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-91, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-92, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-93, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-94, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-95, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-96, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-97, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-98, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-99, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-100, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-101, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-102, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-103, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000
Tool-104, Slot: , , Z Offset: 0.000000, Tool Dia: 0.000000, Tool Dia wear 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G54:

  • X: 31.305158

  • Y: 3.626452

  • Z: -2.689568

  • A: 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G55:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G56:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G57:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G58:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

  • Workoffset - G59:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

  • Parking:

  • X: 0.000000

  • Y: 0.000000

  • Z: 0.000000

  • A: 0.000000

Hey Knot,

[OT] if you have Trust Level “New” (0) then at the moment you cannot

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Is it possible your CAM has a toolpath move raising the spindle higher than your set limit at the end of the machining?

With the Z assembly lowered you may have less vertical Z travel than before - depending on spoilboard/stock heights - and your G54 WCS Z height will be higher (yours is -2.69). Depending on the tool length you are using it may be the cause of the limit errors.

Check the CAM retract heights (and similar) and see if reducing these on the offending toolpath(s) helps. Or reduce the tool stickout if possible and see if that eliminates the error.

If you can, share the gcode line that causes the error so we can see the move/coordinates involved.

Hi Knot,
Do I get from your post that you have hard limits enabled? You should not, as you don’t have limit switches at each end of travel for any axis. Hard limits might be part of the problem, although, that said, I doubt it’s causing the soft limit issue.

1 Like

Yes both the Hard Limit and Soft limit were enabled in the software as a factory setting.

I am going to do a test carve and move my spindle higher in the collar to see if that fixes my Z travel limit that TMToranto recommended.

I will try and do a print screen if it happens again so everyone can see the Gcode as it is happening. Not sure if that will help but hopefully.

1 Like

So that was exactly the thing causing my error. I moved the spindle up in the collar and it allowed for 2 complete dry carves with no issues. That is so funny though that it would throw it at 99% even when the bit maintained the same level of plain thought the last few steps in the Gcode. I guess i still have alot to learn.

Thanks TMToranto, Pleased2Fly, and Aiph5u for the help and account information.

1 Like

Hey guys, now i need your help here too.

I also do get a soft alarm on the z axis but what’s strange to me, is that there is still available room for the bit to plunge deeper than needed and travel higher up than the safe retract hight.
i’ve tried moving the spindle up by 2 cm- probed, dry run again - but the message stays the same.

Dictum MFT MDF Wasteboard.nc (266.8 KB)

I’m a bit stuck here. Thank you for the help.

I noticed Masso will “read ahead” and the time the alarm is issued does not mean the current movement, or the next movement is what’s triggering the alarm. The alarm seems to mean “sometime in the future, the spindle will attempt to move outside of the soft alarm boundaries”.

Most times, the culrpit is not a movement pertaining to the moves to make the cuts you want, but instead the movements are Z-retract movements, or returning to the machine home position when a program ends.

Looking at the line written in the warning message - N80 G18 G2 X77.225 Z0 I0.8 K0… The G18 looks suspicious. G18 refers to a circular motion about the XZ plane. Most instances of circles are done about the XY plane. Are you trying to do something fancy like a lead in or something? Perhaps your CAM software is set to a weird plane?

1 Like

Does the next line of code bring it back to the XY plane(G17)?