Dust Boot Crash

Anyone else have this problem? I have the Suck It Pro, and when routing near the far X position (x = 31.75 or so), the side of the boot catches the foot of the right most y rail.

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I have the same issue. The left side catches when I home, also. You can raise the boot up slightly to help some.

I haven’t had that problem, but I have caught the arms on the front left side before. Depends where the arms are set vertically for my issue. Thank goodness they are injection molded or I’m sure they would have snapped.


Have completely destroyed my suckit pro with surfacing bit as approached the front x/y just emailed 1f to see my options. My arms and magnets and stuff are good so hoping I don’t have to drop 89$ on complete assembly.

you can buy the shoe alone here: https://www.onefinitycnc.com/product-page/clear-directed-suction-shoe-shoe-only

WOW!!! I’m not sure what to think. Are you Homing the machine before you start? 5 months in with this machine and I’ve never had this issue… do you have video to share?

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Was there a solution to this because I am having the same issue. Can’t home on the x or y axis on elite foreman. Left dust boot arm attachment seems wrong. The tail end of the screw catches the rails before the X gets to home. And then the front crashes into the left y rail. Pls help. thks

For what its worth, and to close this resurrection of a 3yr old thread out, I found the error of my way. The dust boot comes with extension blocks that go between the arms and the Z-Axis mount. I have the elite foreman - not sure if this is true for any other set ups but def for this. These need to be in place to clear the X and Y home positions.

Hope this helps someone out there. Carry on, carve on, Dave

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