[Elite Foreman] Finish not smooth

Hey everyone,

I just assembled my Foreman machine, and doing my first cuts. For now, seeing some issues.
QSW table is wobbly, but I found some solutions on this forum.
Another problem that I have is that finish isn’t smooth. If you see on the first image I have my item cut by foreman. And it’s jagged. those little blemishes all over the model. I carved the same model from the exact same piece of bloodwood, same bit, same design, same parameters (except for feedrate, much higher on foreman) cut on my bootlegged cheap chinese machine, that I semi-assembled using openbuilds parts. The finish there is very smooth.
Not sure why foreman isn’t cutting it clean. Is that the QSW wobble at fault? or something else? It just feels like Z axis is wobbling, so the bit oscillates up and down, and leaves a million of those small blemishes.

Looks like z height backlash or something like that in z. If you can share your feeds/speeds and whether you have a spindle or router, someone may be able to say whether F/S are excessive for the 1F when it comes to moving the weight of a spindle.

What if you use the same F/S as your comparator CNC?

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Also what was the DOC and WOC, as well as endmill size and flute number.

I realize it was the same for the other machine but with F&S it may help to determine if chip load and parameters were too aggressive as @AndyP was alluding to.

Feed rate is 150in/min, plunge rate 75mm. On the other machine it’s set at 100, but I think realistically it’s 60-80in/min, because I don’t think that those NEMA17 motors can produce more.
19000 RPM. My spindle is Huanyang 2.2kW, 110V, 80mm spindle.
Bit is Spetool 1/16 cutting radius tapered ball nose. My stepover is 5% of bit diameter or 0.00625 inches. Stepdown is 0.12 inches, but I understand that it’s irrelevant for 3D finish toolpaths.

Yeah, I’ll try cutting again at the F/S of my other machine. I don’t think that’s the issue to be honest, but worth trying.

Yeah you seem to be having the exact same issue with the finish. I am trying the file format now. I have a hypothesis that maybe the CarveCo to Onefinity isnt ideal. will see now.

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Doesn’t seem like anything helped. and it still leaves those marks vs have a smooth finish. My next test is going to be 65mm spindle instead of 80mm.
Could this be due to the Z motor that has a stopper? I doubt that would be the issue.