Elite Woodworker Table Size

Hey Jim,

I hope you retain your good meaning on the group if I tell you this is asked so frequently that it would make no sense to answer this everytime individually.

If you search for “Woodworker table size” or “table dimensions” you find

And you can also find

Note that when you ordered a Woodworker, but sometimes the Journeyman is described, you can deduce the dimensions for Woodworker model by subtracting 16" from all width measurements.

You will also find tons of informations about very different constructions of tables in this forum, a few linked in this post and in this post. Someone even managed to combine a flippable table design and capability for vertical clamping. Use the search function!

Further Reading

you know that on the Official Onefinity Home Page there is the Documentation on the “Support” page, where you can find the

Furthermore, here you find the

I ask this because many users come here with questions but are not aware that there are:

  1. The Fine manuals (PDF)
  2. The “Standard Series Assembly Playlist”, the “Support” Playlist and the “Elite” Playlist (including Assembly video)
  3. The FAQ documents provided by the manufacturer.

Also the users of the Standard Series Onefinity Controller or the interested forum reader got to know that the Onefinity Controller Manual only describes the functions of the user interface, but the detailed manual that includes all technical details, and in the most aspects applies to the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller, is the Buildbotics Manual v1.0. It’s an older Buildbotics manual (Buildbotics evolved a bit further [1], [2]), but it corresponds to the state of the Buildbotics controller when Onefinity forked it.

Welcome to the forum!