File transfer from controller

I am coming from a different machine that i could go on my laptop and pull files from cloud to run. The 1f only allows me to send to controller. Is there a way to setup to be able to access outside drives from controller. I can see a potential for having multiple files around.

Hey Kenneth,

the Onefinity CNC Controller user interface is a web page. You access it from the installed chromium browser on the HDMI monitor. You can of course open a new browser tab and navigate to any host that is accessible from your Onefinity Controller, and then download files. You will then have to move them to /var/lib/bbctrl/upload as root, then they will be found by the Controller and show up as g-code files in the Onefinity User Interface.

For this, the Onefinity Controller should have its network configured in /etc/network to a IP address in the private network range in order to be able to access the local net and the internet via your router. The automatic link-local (zeroconf) configuration with http://onefinity.local does not allow this.

Of course there are other services that are installed or could be installed on the Onefinity Controller. ssh is installed so you can transfer files in any direction with scp. See here for an example.

You may also install samba and smbmount and access SMB (windoze) shares.

You can also access the Onefinity CNC Controller user interface from any remote computer that is connected via the ethernet port or WiFi. In this case, you have access to the internet, can download files from the internet and upload them to the Onefinity controller the same way you would upload them from a USB stick if you were on the HDMI monitor.


so would it be possible to have an external HD attached to the controller via usb (like a memory stick) That I can access from the controller. Then if I have the HD also connected to the network I can store files on hd when designing and then access the file on the HD from the controller via the usb port.

Hey Kenneth,

under unixoid operating systems (like Raspbian inside the Onefinity Controller), there is no difference between a USB stick and a USB hard disk. The only diffence is that USB sticks are usually formatted as ‘superfloppy’ (no partitions) while a USB hard disk has a partition table with different partitions. Both work on the Onefinity controller and can be hotplugged.

If you want to export the connected hard disk to the local network, you could install samba on the Onefinity Controlelr and set up a samba server which can make a hard disk partition accessible as smb (windoze) share. There are tons of howtos in the WWW on how to set up a samba server and exporting a smb share under a Debian-derived operating system like Raspbian.

You can install samba on the Onefinity Controller this way:

sudo -i
apt-get install samba

and setup a samba server by editing the config file in /etc/samba following a howto available in the web (look at the samba docs)

But be aware that the Raspbian on the Onefinity CNC Controller is totally outdated and cannot be updated. Samba however should work, as long as your /etc/apt/sources.list.d points to the now archived Raspbian repository from 2017.

root@onefinity:~# cat /etc/debian_version

9.3 is “Strech” (2017)

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