Having problems getting files loaded over the internet onto my controller. Haven’t had an issue with it until now. Haven’t changed a thing and was just using it yesterday. I can get onto my controller over the internet no problem, go to select, seems like it’s about to load after selecting, And nothing happens. Using the same type of files of was using yesterday and had no issues. Haven’t tried using a usb stick, and personally don’t want that to be the fix. I want to be able to use the internet. Anyone have any suggestions as to what would cause this. Files are .ngc, and controller can see them, just won’t load them, haven’t changed a thing with my internet settings.
Maybe the local storage is full? Have you been deleting past files recently?
I tend to delete my files after using them off the controller. But I did check, and nothing saved to the controller. But went to go use it early this week and loading fine. Not sure what I did, if anything, but loading again now.
Thanks for the reply