Found an issue last night

I was doing my first real carve last night on my Elite Foreman and I ran into an issue where the small teflon (I presume) bushing at the end of the Y-Axis ball screw (at the front) had somehow unwound and was 2 inches from the end of the ball screw. I noticed this after the carve was finished. (The carve came out fine other than a dumb design mistake on my part, but that’s how you learn, I suppose.)

Naturally, I tried to screw it back into place, but it feels like there are grooves in the Y-Axis that this bushing is supposed to sit in that prevents it from spinning and I did not want to do any damage to the bushing without asking you experts.

  1. Why would this happen?
  2. How do I fix it properly?

I’ve attached a picture of the piece I am referring to for reference.

This is a used machine that I know the history of for the most part, so I don’t suspect neglect or anything…but I definitely want to fix it properly and will do a full maintenance to ensure nothing else like this happens again.

As always, any advice you guys have is appreciated!

It’s just something that happens. Check them frequently. It could be remedied with a different collar/retainer BUT, it’s a simple thing that forces you to have a look around your machine now and then instead of just what’s going on under the spindle. Make it part of your cleaning, wipe-down, oiling routine.

“If you don’t schedule maintenance for your equipment, it will schedule maintenance for you”

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