It looks like this string hasn’t been active for a few months however…
I am in the process of upgrading to elite. I had a spindle before however the breakout board only had two connections to make it work with my Hitachi WJ200, although mine looks different compared to the VFD photo in this string. Anyway, I thought I had it connected properly (using the cable from PWNCNC). I confirmed A001 and 002 are set to 01. I’m not sure if the image will upload. Hopefully someone sees this and can help.
Hey Michael,
The buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller of Original, PRO and X-50 Series controls VFDs by the serial communications Modbus port, so you only need “SN” and “SP” wires (two-wire interface). A001 and A002 need to be set to “Modbus serial communication port” both.
The Masso G3 on Elite Series, on the other hand, does not support Modbus communication. It needs the connections described in this thread to control FWD/REV/STOP by intelligent input terminals 1 and 2 and SPINDLE SPEED by the 0–10 V analog line, so needs more cables. This is what the PwnCNC control cable is for. Also on Hitachi WJ200/Omron MX2, the settings for A001 and A002 are not set to serial communication when using the Elite Masso G3, but to the intelligent input / analog input terminals instead.
Good morning Aiph5u
Thank you for responding. I did purchase the PWNCNC cable and I have it pin 1 to L, pin 2 to O (0-10 V analog) , pin 3 to 1 (fwd), pin 4 to L, pin 5 is not connected, and pin 6 (rev) is to 2.
I changed C001 and C002 from 3 (modbus comm) to 00.
I believe I used the string you referenced to help set up my original BB control with the VFD.
Should the jumper go between L and PLC or PLC and P24?
Got it - it was within the controller itself, didn’t think to confirm connections inside. Connected #7 and we are off and running. The information you placed in this string was instrumental in getting my system up and running - appreciate your help!