Wiring H100 or V70 VFD to GX-12 6-pin spindle control on Elite Masso G3

So after few month of being too busy to put my 1F Foreman together, I finally had time to do so!
She is up and running with me manually controlling spindle from VFD. Ordered GX12 6 pin cable, it arrived as well… where I got stomped is trying to connect my VFD with this cable. Controller, VFD, and cable are fine, so it’s me that can’t understand wiring charts that I’m looking at. So, hopping here that someone can help me out to read these charts. So I connected gx12 6 pin male plug into Masso toch, now I need to connect pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, and pin6 to my VFD. I took pics of my VFD and manual, and hopefully some of you will point me to where these wire pins need to be connected on my VFD.

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I’m sorry if I created mess.

Masso has some great resources - look here if you have not already as it will be helpful in general, and perhaps specifically to your question…

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Hey Andre,

this is a frequently raised topic. Would be nice if you add the wiring for your specific VFD to this forum, thanks!

I don’t have this brand of VFD (you don’t say which brand/model it is :frowning:), but you can see the wiring to a Omrom MX2 / Hitachi VJ200 VFD here. On this VFD, as on any other, the pin designations and the program numbers differ, but with this information together with Spindle Wiring examples and with your VFD manual, you can solve this yourself.

Unfortunately the photos you uploaded are too bad to ask someone to read them. But do you see the “Basic Wiring Diagram” in your VFD manual?

There, you should see on the bottom left, the analog voltage input. The diagram is similar to the one in the link above. Often there is a potentiometer for manual speed control shown wired to it, but here we have to connect it to MASSO G3 Touch CNC controller according the the table.

Inside VFD, this input must be programmed to be assigned to “Source of speed / frequency control” and also, if there is a choice, to the range of 0–10 V analog voltage (some have also 0–5 V), and to control voltage (Volts) instead of control current (Ampères). Seems the latter choice is a jumper on your VFD: In this case, leave it to “voltage”.

A little bit above, you see the six digital input terminals? VFDs have about three to ten of such terminals. They are freely programmable to a function that you find in a big table in the VFD manual. If you want to take the first terminal for RUN command (which means clockwise rotation (CW) of spindle), you wire it accordingly, and inside VFD, you program this input to serve as “Source for RUN command”.

There is also a pin on the connector for counter-clockwise rotation (CCW) of the spindle. If you want to use it, you wire it to a second digital terminal and assign this one to the “REV” command (reverse operation of the spindle). On a CNC router, you rarely need to run the spindle backwards. But who knows.

The source or sink (NPN or PNP) choice means, on your digital input terminals, do they share a common ground, or a common +24 V. In this case the common ground is shown (although the shadow you made in the photo above the diagram nearly prevents to see that :frowning:).

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@TMToronto @Aiph5u
Thank you guys for your reply’s. Sorry for bad pictures.

I found this diagram on Masso FORUMS
H100 wiring diagram

Hope picture works.

What’s really messing with me is the wording description of each pin on MassoG3 diagram.
For example:
pin1: G3(gnd) - to my GND(vfd)
pin2: SC-1(0-10v speed control) - to my AI1(vfd)
pin3: SC-5(CW-fwd?) - to my X1(vfd)
pin4: SC-4, SC-6(I have no idea what these are) - to my vfd(I don’t know where this one connects to,
but I’m assuming it’s other GND?)
pin5: Not connected
pin6: SC-7(CCW -rev?) - to my X2(vfd)
Am I getting these correctly, or am I just way off?
I’m usually pretty good in doing research/figuring things out, but this one just simply kicking my butt! :rofl:
Aiph5u, let me know if this picture helps.


Did you watch the video in the link I sent? It covers your questions.

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Also, as @Aiph5u mentions it would be helpful to know your VFD model.

Hey Andre,

I made a table to visualize the diagram:

Internal Masso G3
Spindle Control
FunctionGX12 6-pin connector
on back of Elite Masso G3 Touch (internal wire colors)
Wire color and pin on

PwnCNC control cable

H100 or V70 VFD
G3GNDpin 1 blackpin 1 blackgoes to"GND"
SC10-10 V Analogpin 2 redpin 2 redgoes to "AI 1"
SC5CWpin 3 yellowpin 3 yellowgoes to "X1 (FWD)"
SC4 & SC6Commonpin 4 greenpin 4 whitegoes to "Digital Input GND/common)"
Not connectedpin 5 white
SC7CCWpin 6 bluepin 5 greengoes to "X2 (REV)"

For the record: Took the opportunity to rename and recategorize your topic.

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Hey Andre,

this nameplate says it’s the ubiquitous extremely cheap chinese H100 VFD, and it also says it belongs to those that omit the input current rating (on the nameplate, and I know in the manual too). The reason why VFD manufacturers do this is to hide the fact that because this is a 110 V VFD, the input current it can draw when connected to a single phase input is much higher than any usual domestic 120 V supply circuit in the U.S. can supply (I mean, 30 Ampères are not enough). Also with 1000 Hz it is not allowed to import it into the US and the EU as only VFDs with max. 600 Hz are allowed (higher are banned because they can be used for uranium enrichment centrifuges).

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@TMToronto Yes, I’ve watched and rewatched these vids and others… it just does not come easy to me
when it comes these type of knowledge. :unamused:
@Aiph5u Thank you for taking your time and helping me out, I really apricate it.
This cheap VFD was a gift, so I’m trying to turn it into money making venture.
Thank you for a chart, it looks like I was on the right track. :sweat_smile:

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My apologies if my comment came across as condescending, it was not meant to be. I have just found in the past that sometimes when I send a link to a Masso document page, not everyone reads the entire page, or often ignore/don’t see links made on that page - like to videos etc…

Did you now figure it out?

Hey Andre, hey Tom @TMToronto,

for someone who is not familiar with electronics, neither the pin designations on the Masso controller nor those on the VFD are self-explanatory. And here with the GX-12 6-pin connector, we have an additionel level between the two.

For all who do not buy the PwnCNC spindle/VFD kit with the spindle/VFD control cable, but use a different VFD and have to wire it to the Elite Masso G3 themselves, I think the forum would benefit of a list of wiring tables for all known VFDs (here is my beginning):

Andre, please report if you succeeded with the wiring shown above, and you may also provide the settings for setting RUN command and SPEED command you needed to enter into your specific VFD.

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I would add this link to the VFD wiring section in the Masso forum:

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@TMToronto No apologies needed here, i’m good. I have to learn a new world that I never delt with before.
@Aiph5u Indeed, its very overwhelming at times. But I got into this 'cause I enjoy learning new things and cnc world just fascinates me.
So in short, I got my spindle to turn fwd/stop from masso f2 screen. Still trying to find about correct speed change command though. It only runs with specific Hz that are set on vfd. Manually inputting rpm values in F2 screen(next to Spindle FWD button) does not work. So I need to work on correct settings… and this VFDs manual is much to be desired.
On top of this, my B rail motor started to jam, got it all going again… still trying to solve my spindle dropping on power on/emergency button on cycle. Went to bed with slight headache last night. Other than that, I’m am a very blessed man. :sweat_smile:

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Hey Andre,

if the spindle obeys to M3/M5 commands on the MDI, then you have successfully set

  • F001 “Control mode” to “1” (External terminal),
    • F044 “X1 (FOR) function” to “2” (Forward)
    • F045 “X2 (REV) function” to “3” (Reverse)

Or did you have to set F044 to “1” (Run) on your VFD?

Regarding speed, to make it obey to the S code, did you set

  • F002 “Frequency setting selection” to “1” (AI 1)?

This will activate analog 0–10 V voltage speed control from the Masso G3 controller inside the VFD, because according to table and diagram above, the analog speed control from Masso is wired to the “AI 1” pin of the VFD.

You will also have to set

  • F070 “Input channel selection for analog quantity” to “0” (0–10 V)
  • F072 “High-end frequency of analog frequency” to the max. rpm value according to your spindle manual (often 400 Hz)?
  • F073 “Low-end frequency of analog frequency” to the min. rpm value according to your spindle manual (often 100 Hz)?

These usually are the identical settings you have already set in F005 (Maximum Operating Frequency) and F007 (Minimum Operating Frequency)

To set the spindle to run at 6000 rpm, you would have to enter into the MDI:

S6000 M3

Note that on Masso G3, there must not be the tool number for the laser selected.

:warning: When taking a spindle into operation, be sure to follow the spindle warm-up instructions of your spindle manufacturer.

I hope you already did the mandatory things first, which means,

Programming the VFD (here: H100/V70) according to your specific spindle!

In your spindle’s manual, you should find:

F140 to the Rated Motor Power,
F141 to the Rated Motor Voltage,
F142 to the Rated Motor Current,

You need also to find out the number of magnetic poles (otherwise, with a wrong setting, your spindle may run at half or double speed):

F143 to the Number of Magnetic Poles of the Motor (usually 2 if you bought a 24,000 rpm spindle), see here for calculation),

F144 to the Rated speed it would be at 50 Hz (here: 1440, otherwise your spindle may not run at the full available speed range)

F005 (Maximum Operating Frequency) to the max. rpm value according to your spindle manual (often 400 Hz for 24,000 rpm with 2 magnetic poles)
F007 (Minimum Operating Frequency) to the min. rpm value according to your spindle manual (often 100 Hz for 6,000 rpm with 2 magnetic poles)


@Aiph5u Got home from work last night and got to troubleshoot my Y rail getting stuck. Found out that one of the pins is bent and one of the pins of Y connector is pushed in. Sent email to support team and asked if me openings up masso touch controller will void my machine warranty.
Yes, I have setup my VFD just as you have kindly typed out. Double checked, and my setting are matching with your. I did noticed that for F143 my manual factory setting has 4, but my spindle is 24000 rpm, so I think we are correct to have it set to 2. I ran out of time to do anything else last night,
so will be working in my shop today, and will let you know how it goes later.


Thanks all for these helpful discussions on wiring the controller for Masso Touch. Like AAF Andre, I am on a steep learning curve but have made good progress. However, I am stuck on this issue of wiring a Huanyang VFD to the Masso Touch for my Elite Journeyman. I have followed all of the links in this discussion chain and have watched the linked videos and many more. I have reviewed the Masso manual and configuration diagrams. And I purchased a G-12 controller cable from PwnCNC. My questions are as follows:

  1. First, I am trying to figure out if the Huanyang HY02D211B-T wiring example
    ](Yuhuan Huanyang) is the same for the HY02D223B. I am assuming it is but cannot find the answer online and am not sure how to verify. Perhaps the latter is an update of the former. I can’t even find the former on the Huanyang website.

  2. The wiring inside of the Masso Touch housing for the G-12 connector is not the same as the configuration for the Huanyang VFD posted on the Masso website. I would value information on whether I need to modify the wiring. I have attached an image of the wiring inside of Masso below.
    NOTE: the connected blue wire comes from a source I cannot determine (possibly from the TTL output cluster given the wires it is bundled to), but is not connected to the g-12 connector. The blue wire from the G-12 connector is not attached (see picture two). Like the white wire, they are both taped off in the image.
    Do I need to attach the blue wire from the coupler to 7 on Masso and REV on the VFD?
    Do I need to remove the blue wire on terminal two on Masso? Or is the blue wire on terminal 2 serving as both forward and reverse?

NOTE Also: the blue wire from the unidentified source is attached to connector 2, and there is no wire attached to connector 7 (REV). The Masso video recommends that terminals 2 and 3 not be used but rather the ocptocoupler connectors should be used instead, 5 and 7.

The configuration chart from Masso for the Huanyang VFD is:

I have included the wiring recommendations for the Huanyang VFD from Masso for reference to the questions above.

  1. Where do I ground the shielding from the controller cable? can that be grounded to the central ground for the spindle cable? I have used a Wago coupler and have extra ports:

I will change the settings in the Masso controller to accommodate the controller cable once I get the wiring correct.

I enjoy learning, but I am out of my field of expertise and would value your help. I don’t want to screw things up before I even start.


Hey Jeff,

I made connection tables for a few VFDs for connection to the Elite (see links below). The Masso documentation does not refer at all to the Onefinity 6-pin G-x12 socket/connector/cable and its colors and pins so you got to consider this intermediate step and to not let you confuse you.

The Huanyang “B-T” Models are those with integrated step-up converter (much more expensive models). These really have 100 V class input and 200 V class output for attaching a 220 V spindle to a 110 V supply circuit (be aware of Incorrect or missing data on cheap chinese VFDs and spindles).

Unless a VFD does not contain a step-up converter, like the Huanyang “B-T” Models or the Invertek Optidrive ODE-3-210058-104# which allows to set the output voltage to 0×–2× of input voltage, which are usually much more expensive, generally on VFDs, their voltage output class is the same than their voltage input class.