Masso G3 wiring question - pins 3 and 4


I didn’t know if anyone was able to help me with the following question:

I’ve made a cable to connect my G3 controller to my VFD.

As I understand it I use pins 1 & 2 (red and black) to output a voltage to control the speed of the spindle and pins 3 & 4 (yellow and green) to switch on the spindle.

I’ve plugged in the cable and am checking the voltages with a multimeter before connecting to the VFD.

When I manually set a spindle speed using MDI, the voltage I’m getting across pins 1 & 2 varies between 0 and 10V depending on the speed setting so this seems to be properly configured.

When I measure the voltage across pins 3 & 4, I’m reading 0V both when the spindle is off and when it is running CW. Should these pins output a voltage when the CW button is selected? The resistance between pins 3 & 4 is at 3K when the spindle is off and meausres 233 ohms when the CW button is pressed.

I’ve checked the electrical continuity of the connections in the cable and they are all good. I can also hear a relay clicking in the Masso when I press CW.

Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated,

Kind regards, Clive

Hey Clive,

Maybe I missed it . . . What VFD model are you using?

The G3 Spindle basic connections are:
P1: Speed (0-10VDC referenced to G3 GND);
P2 - P3 are not used;
P4 - P5: VFD Spindle Direction (CW);
P6 - P7: VFD Spindle Direction (CCW);

What can get a little messy:

  1. VFD Enable / E-Stop via G3 Relay SPDT where ENA ~ NC, E-Stop (or Stop) ~ NO.
    On HY02D2, modify HY Program Codes:
    Set RST D3 = PD 046[01] where [01] ~ ENA/RUN;
    Set SPH D4 = PD 047[04] where [04] ~ STOP or use [13] ~ ESTOP.

  2. VFD Alarm/Fault via VFD multi-outputs, where Y1 ~ VFD Normal, Y2 ~ VFD Fault Alarm.
    On HY02D2, modify HY Program Codes:
    Set Y1 Out = PD050[xx] Not used;
    Set Y2 Out = PD 051[03] Fault Indication; Interface Y2 (TTL Out) to G3 TTL Input 24 (G3 TTL Inputs 19-24 ~ Axis & Spindle Alarms).

That’s how I basically interfaced my HY spindle drive to G3 Spindle Control, ENA, ALM.

Your system may much different, so the suggestions above may not apply to your setup. They are only suggestions.

Later, Billy