I am perplexed with XYZ probe

Elite woodworker,
When I use the XYZ probe, I follow what I thought was the correct procedure.

I placed the probe on the lower left part of my material to work with. Set the Correct bit just below the probe surface on the corner of my workpiece (datum is located there). and the press the lower left block in the probe screen. It measure the X and the Y (so far so good). I then measure the z as per procedure. It is fine. Then when I click on go to work origin it goes up 2 inches on Y and over two inches on X. The display of the work on the Masso shows it as where my datum is.Buy I an out by two inches either way.

Am I doing something incorrect. I can set X and Y manually, but want to use the probe.

Any suggestions?

We have a video for that :stuck_out_tongue:

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yes I did after measuring them

You said you pushed the bottom left button - shouldn’t it be the top right button? The probe diagram is representing the actual probe itself - so try the upper right if probing top right probe

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Will Give it a shot. Seems right to me. Stay tuned

Yes that was it. It was my misunderstanding of which corner to use.

Thank you for clarifying

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