I’m going to be traveling around the country in an RV and wanted to bring a hobby. Onefinity x35 woodworker mounted on a CargoGlide full extension. I mounted it on Plywood with some rubber between the plywood of the CargoGlide and my plywood base. Just getting settled for the next few months so I’ll try to update a little as I go.
@ Tuvix72 Thank you. Really just getting started in the hobby. Looking forward to where it all takes me.
@ AndyP I have a vacuum that doesn’t really get the job done, but helps clear the bit at least. Mostly, I have found that a leaf blower does the job quite nicely. However, someone suggested minding the vehicle exhaust around dust, so I’ll have that to keep that in mind. So far, I have never ran the machine while slid out or while the truck engine was running.
@ pwpacp @ Cruzcreated @ bwcherry Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I just couldn’t think of a better hobby while traveling! The logistics of it however, are a work in progress.
@quesohusker Husker? Nebraskan too? Vibration was my first concern. I put some 1" thick round rubber (boat hole plugs if memory serves) bolted under each corner and a larger (width, not thickness) plug “floating” in the middle roughly. I was short on time to hit the road so I made do. I raise the Z and put X,Y at their maximum corner and then strap that to the bed slide. I figure that would be the least used and most rigid place to park it when not in use. I drove halfway across the country (NE to CA), and the only thing that seems off is the side to side (trim? tram?) on the Z. But that wasn’t perfect when I left either. Water has been my nemesis lately though. The used topper I hurried up to buy before I left isn’t exactly what one would call “watertight.”
A little background, I came from industrial controls and maintenance with a hobby of quadcopters and 3d printers. For me, the wood was the new part. Servos, leadscrews, Autodesk software, is where I live, or did. My partner took a travel nurse job (She said “No more to Nebraska winters!”), so I quit and threw together this lovechild of Bob Vila and Optimus Prime. Wo also bought a used Class A RV, so a lot of my attention so far has gone to updating and maintaining that.
Edit: New user restrictions wont let me mention more that one user.
More than a couple of similarities with my past as well, though I’m much longer in the tooth I suspect. LOL Still, a pretty bold aproach & hope you both enjoy it to the max!
For dust collection you could put a couple hood scoops on the cap and leave the rear door on the cap open and take a drive down the nearest interstate. 65mph would do a nice job blowing out the dust.
Ha, and here my wife thought I was too addicted to my shop. I’m glad I was able to show her I’m not as extreme as she thinks… Thanks for sharing! Showing her the pictures bought me some extra room again
@Dr-Al Id be afraid to blind the people behind me with the dust or the ball of flame trailing me. Haha!
@BruceM So far no complaints. We have been lucky with being on an end site with a neighbor who worked 100+ hours a week at our last spot, and currently we have an empty spot next to us most days on the side I park my truck. When the topper is all closed up, it really just sounds like a vacuum running, and I try to be courteous by only running it in the daytime and often times the neighbors are off sightseeing or whatever. Its not a job, just a hobby really. I don’t need 18 hours of machine time daily to keep up with any quota. If I make stuff, I go sell it, If I don’t, I go to the pool.
@DutchPlatypus Glad to be of service Sir! I’ll send you some progress update photos of the smart home, and solar stuff I’ll be building on the RV this summer. Maybe you can finally get that new door camera and smart thermostat you’ve been eyeing lately.
That’s cool that you did that. I did almost the same thing with my x carve. I traveled for work and I lived in a travel trailer. I found a box truck on Craigslist, so I bought it and turned it in to my work shop. The x carve was all the way against the cab so I had no problems but now I bought the 1f and I plan on hanging it on the wall. If you have any pointers please feel free to let me know.