Installation pics of MASSO Pendant

After receiving my MASSO Pendant today, I panicked at the lack of a port on the back of the controller case. There were no instructions with it. Eventually I realized that it needs to plug into the controller assembly inside the case. I removed the DB connector case (doesn’t fit) and moved the strain relief lower on the cable to allow it to be used with an existing machine screw mount in the case. I simply removed one of the screws and replaced it with a M3 socket head screw. I screwed the DB connector to the controller and, for overkill, attached the chord to the case with a zip tie adhesive retainer block.

This pendant is super awesome! Well built and so convenient!


I love my pendant as well. It’s a shame they didn’t adjust the orientation of the controller to allow the pendant to attach as is. Maybe it was an afterthought.

Agreed. I could have waited, ordered a DB extender and internally jumped from the controller to the case. Probably the sexier thing to do, but no reason to do so now that it’s working.

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I did the same…minus the zip tie retainer, but now seeing yours, think its a good idea and will do the same. No sure why they would build a controller box with connection for their own pendant that doesn’t fit as manufactured with the cable end casing left on it----fail on their part. Pendant works great and comes in very handy–after using it I actually prefer it over the gamepad for positioning the tool bit. Don’t know how many times I forgot to change the speed on the gamepad or used the wrong toggle by mistake.


I just got my cnc and I am in process of putting the finial touches (dust collector hose routing, traming etc) but ahead of my delivery, I knew I wanted the pendant like many others have raved about. But seeing the issue with install, I went searching online for a a solution and I found one, that fits perfectly and still allows the door to close.

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Odd. I had no issue with mine. Cable routes through the back hole along with the others.

Mine routes though the back along with the others too, I was referring to the beige adapter. I thought it was a cool, clean solution to the unfortunate design by masso with their connector not able to be plugged in with door closed. The masso pendant is really crazy great, glad I picked one up.

Can you provide a link to where you acquired that adapter? I just installed mine but did not like the fact that I had to take off the housing. I did do the zip tie strain relief method…

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I absolutely can, I was planning on making a separate post about it and taking a couple extra pictures, because along with the adapter you need one other part which is a “female to female” changer as the right angle adapter ends in pins like the masso pendant, so you need that part as well.

The company makes lots of cables in all different lengths, the one I got was a 1ft cable, If I had to do it again, I might get the 2.5 foot, this would allow the cable (and its end) to route all the way out of the masso and out the back. The one I got has the “connection” between the adapter and the masso, internal, behind the screen. If there was ever a reason you wanted to unplug it, you would have to open the screen case. If you went with the longer one, that wouldn’t be necessary. But the shorter one gives a cleaner look with just the black masso pendant cord coming out of the masso display back… you will have to decide which is better for your needs.

Either way, the “must” is the “exit right” connector (as they make an “exit left” also, which would send the “L” in the wrong direction.

Lastly I removed the terminal screws from the adapter too, as they would be in the way and not needed as the edge of the case cover keeps the connector in place.

Similarly to the above I added strain relief inside for the adapter connection with zip tie.