Introducing the new Onefinity ELITE Series, Powered by MASSO

Hey Jim, hey all,

like the Makita RT0701C hand trim router, the Dewalt DWP611 hand trim router is still a hand trim router not allowed for stationary use in a CNC, and according to Bill @Machinist the DeWalt would not be worth it to be used instead of the Makita.

If you want a milling motor that best meets the requirements of a CNC milling machine, you will not get around an induction motor (=a “spindle”). The induction motor is the workhorse in the industry. It has high efficiency and long life, and it is controlled with modern, smart VFDs in a way that it optimally converts its power into chipload (material removal rate). This cannot be said of a hand trim router, i.e. a universal motor with its poor efficiency and unfavorable motor characteristics.

But concretely wiring and connecting a spindle and a VFD, and what many people forget, the correspondig control cabinet, requires certain knowledge, especially because you have to follow electrical safety regulations and is a certain effort, but if you buy a good VFD, then you also get a very good manual. The problem with cheap Chinese VFDs is that especially the manual is absolutely lousy and people don’t know how to set up the VFD and what the settings mean, and then see people on Youtube saying do it like this and like this and like this, but without explaining what the settings mean and what the background is. That is understandably very off-putting. But the people who bought a Omron MX2 or a Hitachi WJ200 or a Hitachi S1 or an Invertek Optidrive VFD didn’t have that fear because the manual doesn’t let them down. That’s why the manuals of a good VFD have more than 400 pages. And e.g. here in the forum you have users who use them and reported about their setup.

Best milling motor solution for hobbyists and semiprofessionals

But what I think is the best solution for hobbyists and semiprofessionals who just want to plug in are the dedicated milling motors with 43 mm Euromount like the AMB (former Kress), the Suhner that is shown to cut steel, and the Mafell milling motors. Unlike the hand trim routers like Makita or Dewalt, they are made explicitly for stationary use in CNC machines, 24/7 operation and long life. They have a sturdy all-steel motor flange with double long life ball bearings from the industry and have been run in by the manufacturer before shipment. Here in Europe they are the standard milling motors in hobby and semi-professional CNC machines such as the CNC-Step High-Z or the Sorotec CNC Mills or the Felder Hammer HNC with its Felder Tool changer milling motor (seems to be a rebranded Mafell 1000 PV-WS)). These milling motors are well-known by the Jazz Bass body and neck video that shows the re-branded milling motor Mafell FM 1000 PV-ER with ER-16 collets. Unfortunately, Onefinity still does not offer a 43 mm “Euro” mount for such motors, although they would be the ideal solution for hobbyists and semi-professionals who simply want to plug a milling motor into the socket, with no VFD, no custom wiring, just ready to use, but with high reliability and long life.

How such a 43 mm mount could look like was discussed here the other day. Very interesting designs!

Note: Since 2023-02-27, a mount for the 43 mm “Euro” milling motors is a feature requested for the Onefinity.