Introduction To Carveco

Effectively those options still require running Windows. I’ll try MeshCAM and other native solutions before I resort to installing Windows. Too many disruptions in the workflow…
I understand that the Mac market is small but iOS would be a good match for your creative blend. The iPad Pro is an interesting platform.
Thanks for the reply.

Is there any advantages for running Boot camp or Parrallels ?

or are both softwares as good as each other ?

Has anyone successfully figured out how to pan around the model with a Mac/Parallels setup? Even, say, scrollbars or a little model of where you are on the model to drag around on would be nice but I’m dead in the water with no ability to pan at all with a Mac trackpad.

I bought a good mouse because of this. However, just had a thought. Try holding down the spacebar while moving on the trackpad.

@Atroz thanks but it’s a no go. There is literally no way to pan on this software in parallels, disappointing. I could try another mouse but probably not, looks like it’s Easel for me.

Hi guys we do have people using the software successfully including moving around the model. I can’t check this with our support guys as support is closed. But if you ask on the Carveco Maker and Maker Plus FB group someone on their will be able to answer.


Did you try this?

Easel is a far more limited program from my experience. You may want to go back to a mouse and use Carveco Maker.

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