Is this normal wear and tear?

I have been a prety user of the OF for a few years now.
Today i am moving my machine and notice thoose marks on the Y Axis

Is it normal wear and tear? What can i do to limit this?
I have not noticed much change in precision but i rarely need more than half a mm of precision so…


I would get dust collection. I have a few on mine from factory, but it hasn’t affected mine.

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In and of itself, that scratch won’t affect accuracy in the least. BUT, it is an indication of a potential bearing issue. If the bearing is dragging, it will affect the smooth operation of the machine.

My concern with this specific mark is that one of the bearings in the linear bearing assembly could have seized up & caused this. I would thoroughly clean the machine & loosen that top bearing & pull it out from the housing to see if it moves smoothly & freely. You may need to replace that bearing. If it moves smoothly without feeling any drag, then oil per Onefinity recommendations and reassemble.

Just be aware if you do this, the bearing needs to be reinstalled in the exact correct location to maintain accurate homing & machine squareness (another reason I advocate installing hard-stops).

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