Jerks at full speed on Y axis

I have been using my x35 woodworker for 5 months now and it has been great.
Last 5 days that I have been using it I noticed that when homing the machine it stops short on the Y axis by a lot 1ft to 6 in. I restart the machine and then home it again and everything works fine.
Today I noticed if I move at full speed along the Y axis the machine jerks as it does not want to move so I quickly stop and lower the speed to just less than full speed on the joystick control and it moves fine. I was able to successfully finish the cut I had to make on the plywood I am using to cut finger joints for speaker cabinets.

I was wondering why the machine jerks at full speed and why the homing is off on Y axis.

I cut a lot 3/4 in birch plywood and it makes a lot of wood debris so maybe thats the issue too. I vacum everything after doing my 45 min cuts.
Otherwise this machine has been rock solid for me!

Any help appreciated.


Sounds like one of your y-axis motors isn’t working, so the y gantry is being moved from only one side.

Unplug the motor on the side that is homing properly. Then use your controller amd see if you have any y-axis movement at all.

Thanks Dan, That makes sense. I will be home on Friday and I will unplug one of the Y axis motors and see what happens! The X and Z axis home perfectly.

I would suggest checking for debris in the ball nut assembly too, it is a very common source of issues when not using continuous dust collection.

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Thanks. Great information there. Lots of checking to do! I will be busy for a while lol.

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Thank you Onefinity Team. I will go through those steps this weekend.

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Hey Guy,