X axis slop journeyman 50

Hey Thomas,

looks like you loose steps on this axis.

Onefinity provides a help file which deals with many kinds of erratic movements of an axis:

I would check all points one by one to see why your carriage seems to loose steps.

There are three causes that are not mentioned in the document above:

  1. Should your machine not be properly rectangular (“squared”), the Y movement can block.

    Have you ensured accurately that your machine is rectangular (“squared”) (bar gauge) and coplanar (“not twisted”) (fishing line method)?

  2. And the second possible cause not mentioned in the document above is: This mysterious issue some time ago.

  3. Electromagnetic interference (EMI), as e.g. mentioned here.

    The issues you have with Onefinity machines, both buildbotics-derived Original Series and Masso-G3-powered Elite Series, are usually not issues with the controller but

    1. Lack of a serious cabling solution

      1a. Connectors that are made for internal electronics are used on the outside of the machine/controller and subject to permanent movement (possible failures with unpredictalbe axes movements)

      1b. Total lack of stepper cabling shielding, so overall susceptibility to EMI, especially when upgrading to a spindle (VFD = heavy source of EMI, but also the Makita hand trim router’s carbon-brush commutators emit a lot of EMI due to the usual sparks)