When I am milling round toolpaths I am starting to get “notches” when the machine is staring a new pass. I am including pictures if anyone has ideas on what it could be.
I am using VCarve
When I am milling round toolpaths I am starting to get “notches” when the machine is staring a new pass. I am including pictures if anyone has ideas on what it could be.
I am using VCarve
Could be this:
excessive nodes
I would make a new file in vectric and make just one hole that size. Post it - then look at the gcode in ncviewer.com
Or post it here.
There are only 4 nodes in the circle.
Ok, good.
Do you plunge or helix into the hole? And where is it happening?
Lead ins ( and lead outs ) sometimes do not respect the boundaries.
I really appreciate you answering
So I am cutting circles, and taking 8 passes and the material is 1 inch thick. The “notch” is happening where the tool path starts and ends in between passes. Does that make sense?
Try cutting a circle that’s only .005" deep and see if it’s nice and round. If it is, then the problem might be the change in tool pressure from plunge/ramp to cutting the arc. You could prove or disprove this by rotating your start point.
Yes that makes sense. I have seen it when the plunge point is not inside the circle or when the helix goes outside the circle. If I could see the code I could tell if either one of those is happening.
If it’s not one of those then it could be deflection - like John describes above.
Though to me the holes seem too shallow for that. I have never seen my 1F deflect that much with such a light cut.
This just started happening to me today. Same thing, a couple simple circles. I’m wondering if a firmware refresh is needed. Because when doing a tool change, it didn’t go to the location of the tool setter before probing, it just started dropping right where I had it when I swapped bits. I didn’t get a chance to troubleshoot it at all, though.