Journeyman Enclosure With Utility Room

Hi all,

I’ve spent the last few months building an enclosure for my journeyman and I thought I’d share it with you now that its mostly complete. I’ve also created an Instagram page (@wildmountaincraftworks) that has videos detailing all aspects of the machine. My goal is to provide answers too all of the questions that I had during assembly to help others in a way that would have helped me. If you find that there is missing information or something that I skipped over please let me know and I will further elaborate. In the future I do intend on creating a series of YouTube videos however at this point I am more interested in learning how the machine works vs. learning video production.

The Journeyman sits behind a large lexan window for full visibility with a reasonable amount of sound dampening. The utility room has a 3/4" plywood door with a rubber seal on the bottom. All doors have magnetic latches. Underneath the machine room is open storage. I will most likely add shelving and drawers to it in the future.

As this is in my basement I wanted to ensure that the dust would not pollute the air in my house. In line with the vacuum is a dust deputy on a 30gal drum. Behind the controls door you will find the Bosch dust extractor and a vent above it. The vent is used to evacuate the hot air from the utility room and maintain negative pressure in the utility room. Above the vent on the exterior of the enclosure is the filtered exhaust box. This box has baffles in it to reduce sound (works really well!) and a final stage HEPA filter. The exhaust box was one of my first projects on the Onefinity.

Dust Deputy & 30gal drum:

Vacuum & vent:

Filtered exhaust box during construction:

Filtered exhaust box:

The control panel has several devices for control and automation via an Arduino microcontroller. The panel is also home to the Huanyang VFD (2.2kW) and the Onefinity controller. I had a hard time finding contactors/relays that are driven off of 5VDC so I used 24VDC interposing relays. The Arduino turns on the vacuum, water pump and vent when the spindle is turned on. There are also safety interlocks to prevent said devices from being shutdown when the spindle is on. Other features include water flow indication, temperature monitoring, and system health monitoring with the allowance for audible alarming if conditions are not met.

Panel overview:

Panel temperature probe (3d printed housing):

Vent speed controller:

Incoming 240V Supply & Ground Strip:

Main breakers, split by functional purpose:

24VDC - 120/240VAC relays & contactors:

5VDC - 24VDC relays, Arduino & RF antenna:

5/12/24VDC power supply unit:

Behind the control cabinet we have the custom blast gates. I bolted together two blast gates and used a servo to toggle between the two positions. The blast gates are used to switch from the suckit dust boot to the external vacuum port. The external port is very helpful for cleaning the machine room and vacuuming the basement.

Custom blast gates:

External vacuum port (3d printed to look like the outlet above it):

Also behind the control cabinet is the water cooling pail. The pail has both a temperature probe and a flow indicator in it for monitoring & alarming. Automotive coolant was used for the anti-corrosion properties. The radiator is made of aluminum to prevent corrosion as well. The fans on the radiator automatically turn on with the water pump. The air intake for the utility room is located behind it so cold air cools the water instead of hot vacuum air.

Pail exterior:

Inside the pail:

Radiator & fans:

In the machine room is a push button station for enabling the system (VFD & Onfinity), lights, vacuum & vent. This was a 36 hour 3d printed part that I immediately put a scratch in. We’re going to ignore that scratch :wink:

Pushbutton station:

As previously mentioned there is an RF antenna connected to the Arduino. This allows for wireless HMIs (screens) that display alarm status, temp & flow indication & controls. This device is also used for silencing alarms and testing alarms. The device is powered by a cell phone battery bank and sits in a 3d printed housing. The USB can be plugged into a PC instead of the battery to program its internal Arduino and Nextion display.

Alarm page:

Indication & control page:

Programming page:

Rear of the device:

The machine room has a ton of 3d printed parts for cable management. Each clip was custom built for the diameter of the cables that it holds. The cables go through an air tight wall passthrough so dust doesn’t escape into the utility room. I used a 40mm drag chain that houses the coolant lines, X axis power, Z axis power & spindle power. The spindle also has a few custom 3d printed parts to prevent the vacuum hose from colliding with the water hose.

Wall passthrough:

Drag chain & cable management, top view:

Drag chain & cable management, bottom view:

Spindle & spindle accessories:

This project has been an incredible journey and I’ve learned a great deal from it, as going into it I was not familiar with Fusion 360, 3d printing, CNCs in general & only had a basic understanding of woodworking. As with any major project there are many things that I would have designed differently if I could go back in time, however I am still very proud of what it has become. As I mentioned in the beginning of the post, the main reason I’m sharing this information is to help the community. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or even improvement ideas. Feedback is much appreciated and will most definitely help others too.

Thanks for reading!


Full sized photos can be found here!


Really astounding. I have two if the things you have; a dust collector and a Onefinity :grin:


Thank you for sharing your work - it is enjoyable to read and view your efforts. Having built my own electronics enclosure as well, I very much appreciate the time you took to plan the overall layout of the components, as well as manage and label the cables. You have an incredibly functional cabinet as a result of all your hard work.

One thought to the future - should you ever have issues with ‘noise’, you have left enough room at the top of your panel, and between cable track and components, to add filters and ferrites should they become necessary.

You must be excited to start milling, and putting all this hard work to use.


Nice work. Very professional looking build and attention to detail. Kudos for taking the time to ID all your cabling, that will pay off later during mods or troubleshooting.

What scratch? I can’t see it. The quality of your work dominates over any miniscule scratch.


That is amazing work. I can’t even fathom the hours you must have put into this project. I know it must be very rewarding to see it all come together!

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Hey Branden,

thank you for showing your installation here!

When sometimes I was trying to enumerate which components one would put into a cnc control cabinet, I often had the desire to show one, and unfortunately mine is not ready yet. What I showed was either Tom’s very beatiful cabinet but it is one for CNC Controller, and not for VFD, or the Mechatron which has VFD and compressed air, but no CNC Controller.

Now that you show your control cabinet (or should I say, your control cabin :slight_smile:) we see one with the recommended cable ducts, DIN Rails and terminal blocks, and with both VFD and CNC controller (and much more):

It is so nice to see that everything is there and the way you made it is exemplary.

I also noticed that you use a Nextion Display. I learned to know them in 2013 and find them very useful, therefore I think I should mention that these are very fine things in case someone likes to work with microcontrollers like Arduino and such: As one might know, many microcontrollers do not have the resources (memory, processor) to drive a graphical display. The Nextions do help here since they are not simply touch displays, they are in fact microcontrollers that provide a graphical interface that you can design individually with their Nextion Editor and which are controlled by the Arduino (or your other single-board microcontroller) over a serial line, providing not the entire graphics, but rather just commands to control the graphical design elements shown on the screen that you designed earlier with the Nextion editor. Nextion displays are e.g. useful if you like a beautiful graphical touch display on your Arduino-based weather station or similar projects, or like Branden showed here, for a smart cnc control and monitoring device. This way you can have a graphical touch display that does not not burden the rather weak resources of a microcontroller like the Arduino.

What I also like on your installation is the servo-driven blast gates switch and the external vacuum port!

I hope (no, I know) that your setup will inspire many. Thank you for showing this!



Thank you so much for the feedback, its very motivating.

This is a good idea! I haven’t experienced any noise issues as of yet but I’m definitely keeping a close eye on it. All of the cables are shielded and grounded so my fingers are crossed that noise is a non-issue.

This is what I tell myself every time I see it :sweat_smile:

Thank you! It’s definitely rewarding. I’ve lost track of the hours invested so far, but I’m sure my wife knows :laughing:

The Nextion display really brought this build to the next level for me. Going into it I knew only basic Arduino programming and was unaware of both Nextion & nrf24l01’s existence. The learning curve was quite steep but the finished product is extremely rewarding. Now that I’m familiar with it I have a feeling it will be utilized in many future projects.

This is also where the programming mode comes in. When programming mode is enabled, it forces the Arduino into serial passthrough mode so there is no need for rewiring the Nextion to a TTL serial adapter. This makes uploading new configs a breeze! Screenshot of code is below.


The external port might be one of the most used features of the setup. I have a 10’ hose for cleaning out the enclosure and a 30’ hose and accessories for cleaning out the basement. Also, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t stare at the blast gates swinging open and closed over and over!


Very impressive.
The electronics enclosure looks quite intimidating. How did you figure it all out?

Been enjoying watching your reels over on Instagram.

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Thanks! To figure it out I mostly considered the functionality that I wanted and pieced it together from that. It looks overwhelming but the individual circuits are actually quite basic :slightly_smiling_face:

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Holy shit. NASA needs you. No, Congress. No, all of the above. Super impressive.


You must have experience in electrical or electronics and wiring>>>>! Very Impressive!

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Fantastic! Loving all the electronics. Have you made any diagrams after all is up and running?

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@Geary126 @Ronleo @TheRealStrylen Thanks! I don’t have any diagrams at the moment but I most likely will in the future

Really amazing work. Thanks for sharing your details!

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This is beautiful! I haven’t set up my Onefinity yet and I have my VFD. Noise and dust is a concern so I was thinking of building a cabinet but never dreamed of anything like yours. Now that I see yours it has inspired me. Thanks for sharing!

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Wow, really great work!!! Thank you for sharing your ingenuity! I think I can borrow some of your ideas, but I certainly cannot employ all of it. Especially the circuitry board. Outstanding job my friend!!!

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Much appreciated, thank you!

And I am affraid of installing my spindle kit because of the vfd and controller settings need to be adjusted.
Why can’t I ever have a neighbor like you Branden?
Nice work, looks amazing.

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Thanks Bill!! Trust me, its not just you - the VFD settings are intimidating at first. Im hoping to release a guide soon on youtube that will correspond with information on my website (also in development). I’ll let you know when its released!