Hey Branden,
thank you for showing your installation here!
When sometimes I was trying to enumerate which components one would put into a cnc control cabinet, I often had the desire to show one, and unfortunately mine is not ready yet. What I showed was either Tom’s very beatiful cabinet but it is one for CNC Controller, and not for VFD, or the Mechatron which has VFD and compressed air, but no CNC Controller.
Now that you show your control cabinet (or should I say, your control cabin ) we see one with the recommended cable ducts, DIN Rails and terminal blocks, and with both VFD and CNC controller (and much more):
It is so nice to see that everything is there and the way you made it is exemplary.
I also noticed that you use a Nextion Display. I learned to know them in 2013 and find them very useful, therefore I think I should mention that these are very fine things in case someone likes to work with microcontrollers like Arduino and such: As one might know, many microcontrollers do not have the resources (memory, processor) to drive a graphical display. The Nextions do help here since they are not simply touch displays, they are in fact microcontrollers that provide a graphical interface that you can design individually with their Nextion Editor and which are controlled by the Arduino (or your other single-board microcontroller) over a serial line, providing not the entire graphics, but rather just commands to control the graphical design elements shown on the screen that you designed earlier with the Nextion editor. Nextion displays are e.g. useful if you like a beautiful graphical touch display on your Arduino-based weather station or similar projects, or like Branden showed here, for a smart cnc control and monitoring device. This way you can have a graphical touch display that does not not burden the rather weak resources of a microcontroller like the Arduino.
What I also like on your installation is the servo-driven blast gates switch and the external vacuum port!
I hope (no, I know) that your setup will inspire many. Thank you for showing this!