JTech Laser inconsistent mounting

I noticed when setting up my 44w JTech Laser that it has the ability to pivot slightly on its z axis thus shooting its crazy awesome laser beams a bit diagonally. The screws are adjusted as snug as they can be and I have also tested with them looser.
Has anyone else noticed this on the 44w or other lasers and figured out a fix to get consistent alignment\mounting perpendicular to the waste board?
I was thinking of 3d printing a thin plate that sits between the two plates with a flange along one or both edges to force a positive seat.
(full disclosure, I bought direct from jtech on their release date so maybe the bracketing changed?)
Let me know what others have done.

I had that problem and figured out that the keyhole slots in the mount and the bolts on the laser don’t match. I had to widen the lower portion of the keyhole so that the bold shoulder could bottom out. I also reduced the diameter of the bolt head so it fit better in the keyhole. after that, it was rock solid.


I do have a good reference surface but in the high volume of direction changes at speed I fear it will shift

I have this issue too, I find the 44W laser is very unstable when mounted with their quick connect system. My spindle is water cooled so its significantly more difficult to remove each time I need to tighten down the laser. It would be nice if the lasers 3d printed backing had alignment bars to snug up against the mounting bracket.