Laser burn on initial position

Recently got my Elite Journeyman. I’m still waiting on the spindle to arrive so I decided to play with the laser.

I’m using Vectric with the Laser module added. I’ve installed the Post Processor from JTech named “Masso w/JTech Laser No Z V1 (inch) (*.nc)”

On my test jobs, I’m getting a line from the origin point of the laser head at the start of the job to where the engraving actually should start.

I’ve got the Rapid Clearance and Plunge both set to 0.001" and the Z Gap under Home/Start position also at 0.001"

Here’s the generated .nc file at the beginning of the job:
(Tools used in this file: )
(111 = Laser Cutter 7W {0.006"})
N13 G00
N14 G20
N15 G17
N16 G90
N17 G80
N18 (Laser Cutter 7W {0.006"})
N19 T111 M06
N20 M03
N21 (Toolpath:- Laser Name)
N22 ()
N23 G94
N24 G00 X4.0271 Y2.4818
N25 G00 X4.0271 Y2.4818
N26 G1 X4.0271 Y2.4818 F80.0
N27 M3S0
N28 M3S800
N29 G1 X4.0493 Y2.4818 F80.0
N30 M3S0

I’m wondering if it should have generated line N20 to be M3S0 and then add a line around N24 to be M3S800

Is that right? Also, does anybody know how to tell the laser to stay off while moving from home to the initial engraving point?


Just an update for anyone that has the same issue…

I grabbed the V1 Post Processor from the JTech site. There’s a V2 version that I should have grabbed instead.

Once I deleted the V1 post processor and installed the V2 version, everything worked as expected.


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