Like many new forums, the excitement and

Awesome help! Thank you so much

“That’s why it’s nice to have the actual machine on hand vs the measured drawings.”

This is why I have held off on doing anything more to finish table construction. I trust what everyone is putting up here as far as measurements and such but I want to build my machine and then get a visual on how much clearance I want vice what I need given the space available. I’d like the table to be give me enough room for an enclosure which I feel is required but at the same time not feel like I’m opening the retractable roof on a football stadium when I need to get inside. :slight_smile:

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The 1F recommended 49" dimension will need to be larger to account for the stickout of the router & dust shoe in the front of the machine’s footprint. At 72" (or even 68") there’s enough room for the sides of an enclosure.

Yes, I hear people here talking about reversing the Y rails to relieve that situation somewhat but I still want the machine here and set up before I make a table that I will be wishing was a couple inches longer or deeper. It’s only a couple weeks away now so might as well wait. In the mean time I am assembling all the extras like dust collection, power, spindle and VFD, and getting to know the V-Carve which I think will be my biggest hurdle.

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What a visual! You could have military jet flyovers and your national anthem playing every time you opened it. A $20 cup of beer and a $10 bag of peanuts and you’d be ready for a full workday. :laughing:


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Good call on waiting - even though you “waste” a bit of time, it feels more comfortable to be able to see what you’re working with live. In my case, I was lucky enough to have a little alcove in the un-conditioned garage and, instead of building an enclosure, just going to build a sliding door of some kind on the alcove itself. Advantage is I can insulate for heat and sound, and keep just that space conditioned with an oil immersion heater or something. Here’s a shot of the now demo’d and ready for rockwool spot, ugly but functional!


Lucky you. Some white paint to brighten it up and some good LED lighting and you are good to go.

That sounds like a good plan.

I agree some white paint on the finished walls will help
you get more even illumination out of your lighting.

Hey Jim,

It is here, reported upstream: Ability to move tool during pause #220

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Thank you very much for posting this script. I have been trying to edit my script so that after a Z Probe the tool Z Height is set to 2". I have tried changing the g0 z30 to g0 z50.8 and also adding a G1 Z50.8 on the next line. Neither edit seems to make any difference to my tool position after a Z Probe. I have tried restarting and re-homing my machine after editing the script too. But after a probe my Z returns to 1.577". Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

Hey waahhoo,

The ‘tool-change’ routine mentioned above is only used by the controller inside a program, i.e. when the program encounters a M6 (tool change) command. By the way the more recent version of my ‘tool-change’ routine is here. Feel free to use it!

If you want to change the behaviour of the manually induced probing, i.e. by clicking the corresponding buttons on the Jog Pane, you can only modify /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/bbctrl-1.0.9-py3.5.egg/bbctrl/http/index.html on the controller. As of onefinity-firmware-1.0.9 there you find:

      if (zOnly) {
          ${metric ? "G21" : "G20"}
          G92 Z0

          G38.2 Z ${mm(-25.4)} ${speed(fastSeek)}
          G91 G1 Z ${mm(1)}
          G38.2 Z ${mm(-2)} ${speed(slowSeek)}
          G92 Z ${mm(zoffset)}

          G91 G0 Z ${mm(3)}

      } else {
          ${metric ? "G21" : "G20"}
          G92 X0 Y0 Z0

          G38.2 Z ${mm(-25.4)} ${speed(fastSeek)}
          G91 G1 Z ${mm(1)}
          G38.2 Z ${mm(-2)} ${speed(slowSeek)}
          G92 Z ${mm(zoffset)}

          G91 G0 Z ${mm(zlift)}
          G91 G0 X ${mm(20)}
          G91 G0 Z ${mm(-plunge)}
          G38.2 X ${mm(-20)} ${speed(fastSeek)}
          G91 G1 X ${mm(1)}
          G38.2 X ${mm(-2)} ${speed(slowSeek)}
          G92 X ${mm(xoffset)}

          G91 G0 X ${mm(1)}
          G91 G0 Y ${mm(20)}
          G91 G0 X ${mm(-20)}
          G38.2 Y ${mm(-20)} ${speed(fastSeek)}
          G91 G1 Y ${mm(1)}
          G38.2 Y ${mm(-2)} ${speed(slowSeek)}
          G92 Y ${mm(yoffset)}

          G91 G0 Y ${mm(3)}
          G91 G0 Z ${mm(25.4)}


The first part is for probing Z only, the second part for probing XYZ. You may alter the final retract command “G91 G0” if you like with a text editor.

As of onefinity-firmware-1.2.1, this routine was changed and generally with the new development on its way it’s no joy to keep up with the modifications (especially since I don’t plan to use this controller).

So I won’t help you with this! I would file a feature request on the recent firmware.

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Thank you very much for your help. As luck would have it, I’m fluent in Python and had no idea my OneFinity was running Python 3.5. I’m still learning Carveco / CNC. I’ll take a look, but this should be pretty straight forward for me to find and edit the manual probe settings. Thanks again, really appreciate your help.

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