Losing Z Position on program pause

Howdy All,

I recently had to pause my machine during a job for about 30 minutes. It was performing a 3D finishing toolpath at the time (bit is sitting on the work piece). I stopped my spindle’s rotation also during this pause. Upon return to the job, I started my spindle rotation, and hit resume on the job. To my surprise when I hit resume, the machine/controller had lost it’s positioning a which has resulted in a lovely 3D map carving being ruined.

When I hit stop, I raised Z all the way up, and hit return to XY origin. This was off by about 3 inches in each axis. This could have been caused by the machine missing some steps as it drove a 1/8 tapered ball nose end mill about an inch into the wood. I am not sure if the machine lost Z positioning first or XY positioning first.

Anyone have an idea why this would have happened? To me, it is a safety issue as you expect the machine to do as it’s told an follow a defined program and if a job is paused, it “should” resume exactly where it has left off.

Machine info:
Journeymen with BB 1.6.2 Controller
Heavy duty Z-20
3hp PWNCNC Spindle


Bueller? Anyone?

My absolutely uninformed guess is the Z “dropped” while paused, but you couldn’t tell because the bit was resting on the workpiece. Z still lost some steps though, and then it resumed the X/Y motions.

Just my 2 pesos, I don’t even have a machine yet, I just read about them constantly.


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– Source: https://forum.onefinitycnc.com/faq