Machine acting strange! SOLVED

My X-50 Woodworker won’t home properly and I don’t get independent Y axis travel.
When I try to home my machine at initial startup from any distance from front left home I get jittery motion. Left side Y motor seems to be leading right side Y motor. Right side motor is playing catch up it seems.
If I try to travel in either Y + or - the X axis moves as well. ???
Ok, a few days ago I didn’t see a strip of wood that had moved down onto the right side Y axis between the carriage slide and stop. During a Home operation the machine jammed. Lots of noise.
I removed the errant wood piece and rehired the machine and all ok. I was able to run my job with no problem.
Yesterday I followed my same power up timing sequence and machine has the above issues.
Today I went through and disconnected the motor cables and slide the Y axis against front stops. Also did diagonal measurements to see if machine is still square. It is. I also measured width at both front and back to also verify parallel rails.
Did I affect some motor phasing with the board jam?
Why is X axis now traveling when I clearly am selecting either the Y+ or Y- button?
I have a short videos of the motion.


Good old fashioned operator error. I must have been messing with the Motor Screen and as I reviewed my video I saw only the Y and Z axis control boxes. What the?….
It was ME, I screwed up.
Hit it fixed now and I’m again a very happy Onfinity X-50 owner.

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