Min max switches enable

Hey Justin,

are you doing stall homing against gravity? This will not work. This was already a topic in the forum. Please use the search function.

You got to reverse the Y axis under “Motion” on the MOTOR 1 page so that home is on lower left. This way stall homing will be done on the lower end, which will allow stall homing to cope with the mass. You should also reverse X axis so that home is on the left and your workpiece does not result in being mirrored.

Also you can adjust the motors settings in general if you use vertical wall mount, use forum search function.

yes, that’s exactly what it does, because stepper driver needs a moment with no current to sense the missing electromotive force to detect stalling. This is explained under one of the links above. This is by intention. Therefore, you can’t do stall homing against gravity on vertical mounting. You got to reverse the axes on the MOTORS pages. Please use search function, this was already discussed in this forum.

As mentioned above, there exists a video to adjust the general motors settings. You got to make use of altering these settings if you mount the machine vertically (wall mount).