Move X Axis but homeing stalls

Hi, got a new issue I havn’t seen brought up so I thought Id add it to the collective knowledge bank.

The issue I have is that I can move my X axis normally, but when I try to home it it stalls wherever it is; as if it hit the edge.

After confirming the wiring was still good and increasing the stall current to 3A with no luck I even went as far as to dismantle my machine and put the X axis control into one of the Y axis rails and was able to recreate the issue. This confirmed it’s not a problem with the mechanical side but either software or electrical.

I’ve reached out to support and sent in a video but if anyone has any clever ideas, this feels like a new issue.

I managed to resolve this one by re-imaging the controller.
NOTE: I noticed an issue still remains in that the controller wont boot without an IP address.

The fix is to add the below file to the system using bbmc // onefinity


allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

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