My axis readings are wrong

I’m brand new to the cnc world. And I know zero. I just recently got my elite foreman assembled. By recommendation, I followed a masso setup guide by cncnutz. I thought I had everything correct, but when trying to do the practice piece from OneFinity, it did not work. I used a probe, but when I started the project it was following the toolpath but did not move down to touch the wood and the path was very condensed compared to the 10+ inches it was supposed to go. I then noticed my x-axis is showing 239" across rather than the 48" it actually is. I definitely have done something wrong, I just don’t know what and how to correct it.

I appreciate any help!

The machines are setup and run at Onefinity. Seems likely to me there is a setting that isn’t quite right.
A good first check - Is your machine set up to run in mm instead of inches?

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When you say you “set up via cncnutz ”, what exactly was done? Did you change f1 settings? The correct ones are loaded and preconfigured by default at our factory and should not be changed.

@OnefinityCNC yes. I realized after following his setup that things were already configured correctly. But by that point I had already edited the x, y, z axis. Is there are way to reset to the onefinity factory setting???

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or do you all have a video showing how you configure for the foreman elite?

Here you go!

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Thank you! I’ll try not to screw up anything else. I appreciate the help!


You are very welcome! Should be an easy fix!