I recently setup a new Elite Foreman and the max X travel distance is only 1219.101mm which is less than the advertised 48 1/8" X.
My table is flat, square, and the coplanar “X” test with fishing line is dead on.
Question is, is there something in Masso that is set incorrectly? Should the homing switch values be modified?
I know some folks will say you’ll never use the extra couple of mm, but I’m honestly just trying to get the machine setup correctly per the specs in case I missed something in the manual or forum. There’s obviously a reason Onefinity advertises the max cutting area so I just want mine to be setup to match it in the chance that I have a project in the future that needs it.
The first is “hard limits” which is the machines physical ability to travel in each direction until two parts collide with each other.
The second is “soft limits” which a programmed limitations on the travel that stops the machine from moving. Typically soft limits are a few mm less than the hard limits, so that the soft limit triggers before the machine reaches a hard limit, potentially damaging something.
In your case, soft limits are probably set in such a way to limit the machine travel to less than 48.125. Soft limits can be adjusted in the F1 screen in Masso. But be careful! Messing around with the settings might have adverse affects if you arent careful. If your new to cnc, I would advise you save that task for later, when you are more familiar with the machine.
Thanks I’ll take a stab at tweaking the soft limits. I had a BB Woodworker previously and since it didn’t have limit sensors I didn’t have to dig into something like this.