New machine having trouble loading first program from flash drive

My wife and I have spent hours trying to down load a model from carveco maker to flatten the spoilboard via flash drive. I power up my monitor, then my onefinity controller. I home the cnc, load flash drive and scroll down to down load flash drive. I then hit usb20FD and I get unable to unmount "usb20FD. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong, please help…Thank you

Hey Randall,

the cause may be that

Support for modern exFAT is not installed¹ on the Onefinity Controller :frowning:

1. – would become available via fuse on the older Raspberry Pi OS version found on Onefinity controller by doing ‘apt-get install fuse exfat-fuse exfat-utils’

An alternative approach would be to connect using a remote computer. This has two advantages: 1. You don’t need a flash drive, the file you want to upload just has to be somewhere on that computer and 2. on the remote computer, you can see the Camotics 3D toolpath simulation (not available on the Onefinity Controller monitor because 3D graphics support is not installed).

Welcome to the forum!

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If youre still having issues after reformatting the usb thumb drive, send me a note in messenger and we can connect to see if I can help

You might also want to note (and I had forgot also yesterday), the the Raspberry Pi cannot read a file that has either a period, or a slash, or a dash (i think) in the file name. I was frustrated, but had forgot my sin! It took 2 hours for support to gently remind me of my ways.

OOPS, I guess the new firmware released today 1.2.1 overcomes what I just said here.
(we’ll see)

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