I like the oops clamps that came with my 1F but don’t like how far they stick up above the material surface.
This weekend I found a few new ways to use them.
The first requires removing material from the sides of the t-nuts as pictured below
You can pop the t-nut into or out of the white nylon nut and use it either way.
The second way to use them I’ve found requires a hole grid in your waste board and access to the bottom side.
You simply hold the nylon t-nut through the hole and tighten from above.
I ran across these bolts at the hardware store. Work great in tee tracks.
May be hard to see in the photos the head is curved and oval. The next time I’m in the store I’ll have to see what they are called?
Thanks for sharing how you use the oops clamps william.
Thanks for pointing that out Aiph5u. They really are very versatile clamps. I think you would have to remove the sliding guide or slide it back out of the way before using them, to get them that low.
the image I show above is a link to one of the official images on the Oops Clamp Hand Nut for 1/4-20 T-Track page, so obviously intended to be used this way (without that slider).
In any case I would agree that when using it the way shown in this original image of the Oops Clamps for T-Track - Small Set page, it’s not that satisfactory
I got tired of trying to line up the nutplates with my QCW T-track when installing my jigs. I found that regular 1/4-20 hex nuts work well, and are much easier to insert. I have a variety of bolts and threaded rods, which I select to reduce the height over the workpiece.