OF Foreman - X Axis Alarm - Stiffy Bearing Interference

Our OF has been running without issue for several months.

Today, upon start-up, the Homing process flags an X-axis alarm. Upon inspection, we see the stiffy bearing appears to be preventing the X axis from homing. In other photos on this forum, it actually appears like the stiffy bearing has been dislodged. (I need confirmation please.)

To look in the other end of the stiffy bearing I see a fastener which I thought was securing the stiffy bearing in this position, but upon closer inspection, it may be a dislodged screw which has jammed the stiffy bearing and dislodged it.

Any advice?

Is that screw jammed between the bearing and the bearing housing?? How did this even happen?

It looks like you jammed a bolt between the machine foot and the bearing, forcing that bearing out of place.

Edit: Or is that a set screw used to keep the bearing in place? I’ve never taken the blocks apart so I don’t know how those are held in place.

The bearing is definitely sliding out on your top stiffy rail and not installed correctly. Take the stiffy off and put the bearing back in it’s place.

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