Updating via WiFi
If your controller is connected to your home internet, the controller will automatically find the update. At the top center of the screen the words: upgrade to 1.4.0 underlined in blue. Click that. Click update via web button and let the system do it’s thing.
Updating via USB
You’ll do an update via USB using the following steps: After downloading, DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE!!!
Copy the blue .bz2 file above onto a usb stick (it must be formatted as fat 32 or ntsf). Click the flyout menu (three bars on top left), general, under firmware click ‘UPLOAD’. Select the 1.6.1 file.
If you are on firmware 1.0.8 or lower, it may ask for a password. the password to update will either be buildbotics or onefinity
2: When pushing the rotary button on the home screen, a new pop up will come up reminding users to 'push the power button/turn on the Rotary Splitter box (the box should only be on when rotary is in use).
3: New Probe settings on settings page for the built in probe on the Rotary. (probe block is for normal xyz probing, Probe rotary is only for use with the built in probe block on the rotary).
5: When rotary is enabled, the jog panel bottom rows change to allow for jogging of the A (rotary) axis left, right, and return to zero. The ‘probe’ button changes to ‘probe rotary’ and will give you two options when pushed with a pop up: Probe XYZ (for the built in rotary probe) or Probe Z (for the built in rotary probe).
7: When finished with rotary, push the rotary icon on the top of the main home screen to return to normal cutting operation. Please remember to turn off the rotary splitter box or your Y rails will only move at 1/2 speed.
Thanks for the update. Seems to be working fine for my HY spindle. I suppose this thread should be in or linked to the Latest BB Firmware category here. Hope this helps!
Follow up to Spindle turning off and on with Z moves after switching back from laser tool. - after 1.6.1 update - i can not reproduce the problem at this time.
I did some laser and spindle work yesterday, it worked great. I was also impressed my work origin was recalled after an estop and homing! Thanks for the continued enhancements!