My machine arrived a week ago and I finally got everything working yesterday. Then I downloaded v.1.1.1 and now I can’t use the probe. I select X Y X Probe, a drop down list shows and first item is Check Probe. I check probe and next item is Bit Dimensions. I’ve tried everything, changing bits, moving bits up and down, etc, but nothing works. In the second column of the initial grid, the 0.05 in is in blue. I’ve looked at all the articles about probes on YouTube and the forum but none addresses my problem Please help.
Ron Fowler
Just a note. I spent a month researching cnc machines and one of the reasons I selected Onefinity was the owners who spoke about the excellent support all raved about calling you and getting their problems taken care right away. Imagine my surprise when I called and was told send an email unless you are looking for info on ordering.
We endeavor to answer each phone call as they comes in. However, we may be on a call with another customer. Please leave us a message and we’ll call you back. We will try to call back the same day where possible. All calls will be returned within 24 hours M-F and any calls over holidays or the weekend will be returned the following business day. Our phone support does not have the ability to offer technical support. (Tech support is done exclusively through email) If you have a machine and need technical support, please email
Hey Ron @Ron9577 , from what you’re saying, I think what you’re doing is placing the probe, connecting the magnet and then expecting the next order to come up and that’s not happening. You have to bring the probe up to contact the bit, then the next column comes up. There will be a drop down menu you can select your bit size from. Once you do, there’s a button marked “next”, hit it and you’re off to the races. The order of commands is changed a bit from the previous firmware iteration. Some like it, some don’t. I think it’s great. Anyway, try this and let us ( the onefinity users group ) know if that fixes your problem.
Thank you, Charles! I looked at that drop down a dozen times but didn’t realize it was a drop down. Yesterday was very discouraging but I used your info this morning and got started on a Halloween mask. Unfortunately the cedar fence board was harder than I thought and my clamps were not as grabby as I thought so the wood shifted and broke my bit. I’m learning but “slowly, slowly, slowly said the sloth”.
Yeah, one of the fun things about a CNC, now you can mess things up much faster than before😏 It does get better but even so, you’ll still mess up every now and then. It takes a long time to make enough “learning mistakes” to get good at it. The best ones are the most cautious. They double check everything, run checklists, do practice cuts in something throwaway, then do an "air cut " above the workpiece before they actually press go. They make it all look so easy.