QCW Corner Block & Tube Dimensions

Does anyone have the height and width of the QCW frame corner block and the diameter of the supporting tubes?
I’m exploring mounting options and the QCW manual has some but not all the dimensions. I have a woodworker machine but assuming all the QCW frames use the same block.

Hey Lee,

see here (note that this is not measured, just taken from documentation).

I would not attach the QCW frame to the table (in that case you could do without, and use T-Tracks alone which would be much cheaper) but I would use the Any Surface Leveling Feet instead. That makes adjusting the machine’s coplanarity on the fly very comfortable.

Hi Aiph5u

Thanks for the links, much appreciated.
I did check the manual but can’t see if the 47.35mm is the height of the block or the diameter of the tube. It also doesn’t state the block width.

I’m investigating flip/fold up type setups hence the dimension requests.


Hey Lee,

yes I know. I did not yet find the time to assemble and measure it, and yes, the specifications that the manufacturer provides are always incomplete :frowning:

The dimensions I’m trying to confirm are below in green (width of block and diameter of tube). I’ve taken a rough estimation based on the image in the manual but any feedback from anyone who has a QCW would be appreciated. Thanks.

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